I'm trying to buy two tickets for a reserved entry time at the Accademia in Florence. I am using this website:
(or starting here - but then it goes there: http://www.firenzemusei.it/)
Rick Steve's book says the tickets should be 12.50 euros + 4 euros for the reservation. The choices I am given are:
12,00 €
8,00 €
4,00 €
So - why is this saying 12 and not 12,50? Did the price change? And do I need to purchase a 12 euro ticket AND a 4 euro "Free" ticket for each of us? If not - it does not seem to be charging me the 4 euro reservation fee. But whatever I'm doing seems to be wrong because when I went to check out - it said "error" and did not complete the sale.
Also - when I was checking out - the url (I think it was the url but not sure now) had the word Uffizi in it - even though I was reserving for the Accademia.
Any help you can give will be MUCH appreciated. Super confused over here.
Thank you!