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Colosseum Tours with Arena floor & Roman Forum (WITHOUT PALATINE HILL)

I've been trying to access the new Colosseum official site without success. I've read it crashes repeatedly... Does anyone know of a tour company where it's possible to book a combo ticket WITHOUT Palatine Hill? I've heard its a steep hill & with my mobility issues would rather skip it. I've looked at tours till I'm dizzy & haven't found one. It's not in our budget to do a private tour for 2 ppl.
Recommendations gratefully accepted and thank you in advance.

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27 posts

You can check on street view to see if the Palatine Hill is too steep. You can also try emailing any of the tour providers to see if it's okay to peel off from the tour early, especially if the Palatine Hill is the last stop.

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2 posts

Just checking - are you trying to access the new site ( ? I believe it was live starting May 2024. No issues accessing it myself. I have been able to purchase tickets just yesterday. Not going on a tour so don't have any I could recommend but you are able to do guided tours of the Colosseum through their website.

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124 posts

I have been trying to access the Colosseum site at as Els mentioned. Was hoping to book the "FULL EXPERIENCE - UNDERGROUND LEVELS AND ARENA - GUIDED TOUR" without success so then tried the :"COLOSSEUM - GUIDED TOUR". Just now I was able to see tickets are available for the 2nd option only from today thru June 20. In conclusion, I think perhaps I am trying to book too far in advance as I was hoping to visit on Sep 20. Appreciate the assistance and thank you.

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2 posts

Yes too early. I've only been keeping an eye out on it for the past month or so but from what I've read it only releases tickets daily for a month out. Would keep an eye out and check periodically to make sure no forum news on ticket release changes. Best of luck when you end up booking!