I thought I was all set with my tickets from Coopculture but now I'm not sure. The checkout process was in Italian and I muddled thru. But the attachment, which I assumed was my tickets, doesn't look like tickets and its all in Italian so I have no clue what's going on. Can one of our Italian members help me on this?
Its hard for me to remember (even though it was only last summer), but I believe we took our email confirmation to the booth designated for coop culture tours (in our case) and they gave us tickets. The process of getting through lines and to the proper booth/kiosk/whatever was, for us, less stressful than I thought it might be, as there are a lot of attendants pointing you in the appropriate direction, so when we showed line monitors our email confirmation they pointed u to the right line, and then we got tickets even tough maybe the email confirmation was not the right thing to have. Point is, it all worked out. I do think, however, that people on this forum have received emailed tickets from coop culture? But I could be misremembering.... that was a whole year ago that I was in your position ;)
Hi Sue - I just bought tickets to the Colosseum on Coopculture and the same thing happened to me. It looked like just a receipt that I got back.
As you made the booking in Italian you may not have been given the English version of the email.
Last year I received a reply from [email protected] as follows
"le confermiamo l'avvenuto pagamento del seguente ordine di acquisto e la ringraziamo per aver scelto i nostri servizi.
Thank you for choosing our services.
We confirm your order as follow." and then the details.
You just go to one of the Colosseum officials outside the Colosseum with the printed email. They will direct you to the security line. After this you go to the ticket office inside the Colosseum. One end of the ticket office is marked "Reservations".
As you have an attachment this may contain a computerized barcode at the top of the page. If so, you hold the printed version of this under a small scanner at the turnstile inside the Colosseum without going to the ticket office. There is always an official there at the turnstile who can help, if needed.
The important thing is that you have a reply from Coopculture. In the past some people have only received the confirmation of payment, from Unicredit, of the credit card payment which is not sufficient.
They don't send actual tickets, you get a receipt and a confirmation email. Just print them out or have them on your phone in order to bypass the long ticket lines. You'll go through security and then to the special events desk to pick up the actual tickets. There may be one or two people in front of you at the desk but it will only take a minute or two to get your tickets and enter the site.
Translation? Google Translate works wonders. On line you can copy and then paste to translate. If you use the app, you can do the same or import an image which it will translate. Handy when you’re at a B&B and the notices in your room are only in Italian.
Post the Italian text.
Thanks everybody for your input. The confirmation I got came from Unicredit and says "rifiutato", so looks like my cc was refused. I called MasterCard and they had a charge for 28 Euros that was then cancelled. I had notified MasterCard that I would be having Italian charges on my card but apparently they dropped the ball. So - I will start again and hope for the best. Again, thanks to all.