We want to take the Colosseum Underground tour offered by Coopculture https://www.coopculture.it/en/events.cfm?id=6 in Oct 2019. Tickets are very limited and hard to purchase. The policy on buying advance tickets is very confusing and seems to change. Does anyone have any up to date information on how and when to buy tickets? Grazie
The policy on buying advance tickets is very confusing....
Yes, it is.
....and seems to change.
Yes it has, and quite often this past year.
I'm going to refer you to this "sticky" on TripAdvisor. This is, IMHO, the most comprehensive and most current (to the author's best of her ability) resource for sorting the purchase process for coopculture tours. Read through the text and some of the more recent posts on that thread and you'll likely find answers to your questions.
(Edited a typo)