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Colosseum Questions

Going to Rome next month, and I'm trying to book tickets to the significant sights. We want to go to the Colosseum, but tickets to the Full Experience (including the Underground) do not yet appear to be available. Can anyone explain what we would be able to see with the Full Experience tickets vs. with regular tickets? I'm trying to decide if the Full Experience is worth it for us. Also, does anyone know when the Full Experience tickets are released?

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19 posts

Hello, Carolyn.

I just returned today after 2 weeks in Italy. I had the same question before I left and have included the posting below. As you can see from the post, I was able to get the Full Experience tickets. In our time slot (new group every 15 or 30 min?), there were only 3 couples that were able to get individual tickets and the rest of the people were all booked through tours. Many complaints from people at the gate in how the system works and how tours take all the available tickets. Be persistent on the 30-day out date! I'm not exactly sure what time they drop but I think it was around 1am or 2am Mountain Time. Keep clicking "refresh" until you see tickets appear and be ready with all info to enter so you don't time out. As far as "was it worth it", I was very happy to have gone to the Underground. They limited the number of people so no crowds pushing around. The only mistake I made was not downloading the audio guide (free) prior to arrival so if I had specific questions on an area in the Underground, I could enter the number and hear more about it.

Happy to answer any specific questions for you. Good luck!

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19 posts

Our escort that brought us down in our timeslot showed us the "Parco Colosseo" app and showed everyone where the audio guide was. I did not have internet on my phone and the download was going to take forever while I was in the underground so I didn't download the app. I wish I could tell you more info but I do know that those who did download the app didn't pay any additional fee. Hope this helps.

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37 posts

Thank you all--very helpful responses! BTW, is there a way that I can do a search for forum topics? I scrolled through before posting my question but didn't see the ones you provided in the links.

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423 posts

I do it by typing in my search terms at the top of the page, then click on "Travel Forum" under "Filter by Type"