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Colosseum didactic language tours

I have searched and read many threads discussing the Colosseum tour ticketing process but didn’t see much about the didactic tours.
I’m trying to book tickets for our visit Sept 18 -22.
I found three tickets for the Italian didactic tour that I almost purchased but since we don’t speak Italian, I let them go.
Does anyone have experience using tickets for a tour then wandering off to explore on their own?

I realize it’s not the intent of the ticket, but I’m willing to pay the increased cost and not inconvenience the tour guide.
I apologize for adding another thread but If I understand the forum guidelines correctly it is not advised to post new questions on old threads.
Thank you!

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We visited Rome in May of this year and getting tickets to the Colosseum was a nightmare. We finally decided to take the night tour, including the underground, but in Italian. The guide spoke English but let us, plus another couple doing the same thing, that she would be giving the tour in Italian. We were fine with that, of course. The Colosseum has an app that you can pay for and download an audio tour, including the underground. It probably wasn't as good as what the guide was giving but we got into the Colosseum and had a great visit without paying for a more expensive 3rd party tour that is at risk of being cancelled.