Well, I leave next Wednesday and I am still reading every one's suggestions. I've looked over my clothes-pants I think I got it but now I am rethinking my blouses. From what I have been reading everyone says dark colors. I am bringing my favorite LL Bean 3/4 sleeve linen shirts and the colors are yellow, royal blue, green, peach, fusia and hot pink. My pants/capri's are either navy or black. Is that too bright? I'm not going to "blend in" much traveling with in a guided tour of Italy. Wendy
Hi Wendy. The colors that you mentioned are fine. I saw plenty of people wearing bright colors. You will not stick out like a sore thumb. I wore khaki, black or brown capri pants every day & bright tops (pink, bright green, etc.) & didn't feel that I stuck out. Have a wonderful trip.
Wendy, In all actuality, you will look like a tourist no matter what. Just dress comfortably and reasonably for the culture. When you are out and about during the day- dress how you like. At night/dinner, think "business casual". Italian women love lots of sparkles and jewelry. Keep your purse under your arm, don't keep valuables in a backpack/back-pocket, and keep away from any street vendors or gypsies. Common traveling security sense. Like I said though- just be comfortable. I am an american 20-something that has lived here for several years and they all know I'm a foreigner when I walk by them (no matter what I try to wear). You will see- the style is very "different". But realize that they will not be walking for miles trying to sight-see in the sun like you will be! Don't sweat it so much. ((oh, but on that note- don't be sweatpants casual- that is a little too much casual.)) :)
Nika, Thank you for your input. Very good advice. I am excited to visit. What can I expect weather wise? Right now it has been unusually cold here has Italy been the same way? I have been watching the Weather Channel but how accurate is it? Thanks,
Well Wendy, I'm in Naples which is very south. It has taken a while to warm up here this year. This week is our first week of truly 72-74 F weather during the day and it FEELS like summer is approaching finally. Nights have been in the 50s. The breeze is chilly but the sun is beginning to bake. Usually by now it is considerably warmer. Last night I went out and wore pants and a jacket (too cold for just a cardigan yet). Good luck! Side note: you can ALWAYS shop when you get here. ;) Bon Voyage!