A bit more info here. Had a long conversation with a young gondolier, he had some time off, of what he thought was happening to Venice. He hated the Cruise Ships and dis-liked the Cruise Ship Tourists. "They make me hurry, and one should not hurry in Venice." He pays 16 thousand Euros a year just to have a place to dock his Gondola, and can't afford to live in Venice. He lives, with his family, that had all been pushed out of the city, on one of the outer islands and has to commute on a Vapporetto each day. He still thinks he is lucky because they own that house. He supplements his income by working at the Brube factory. Brube's are the little, 15 footer, fiberglas outboard boats, that the locals all use. His Gondola was bought used and had 7 more years before he would need to get another. He is saving up, cause a new one was around 40,000 euro to make. He said he loved what he was doing, " I am a fish, I can not live with out water." But he also said, he didn't know if he could keep doing this, as every year seemed to be a little harder to make ends meet and that you don't want to be in debt, if you are Venetian. Something is really wrong with Venice if the most coveted job is a difficult place.