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Clothing for men

My husband is having trouble finding suitable pants for wearing in Rome/Florence/Venice in July. Here in California, he wears shorts all summer, but he can't there since we'll be visiting a lot of churches. Any suggestions for something lightweight but not nylon? I don't want him to go 'swish swish' as he walks along.

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800 posts

My husband wears regular khaki type pants. They may be a little heavy but the key is sandals and light shirts. Your husband should wear light button down cotton type shirts instead of a tee shirt or polo. It will make him much cooler. And I think sandals help a lot when it's hot.

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9399 posts

Land's End Cotton Twill, Eddie Bauer Chinos, or Magellan's Micro Fiber Pants.

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23731 posts

The are a lot of synthetic blends available that look nice and wear well. REI has a Travel Adventure line that looks nice. I agree that the all nylon pants, aka Officio, TravelSmith, etc., don't look well and are very tourists especially those with the zip off legs. I actually found a very nice, synthetic blend pants at Sams Club a few years ago but have not seen anything like it since then. For me the pants with a 20, 25% cotton blend really work well. We avoid any 100% cotton items.

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7737 posts

Dockers makes a fairly lightweight khaki kind of pants. All cotton. That's what I take.

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74 posts

You might want to suggest khakis or other light-weight pants with removable, zip-off legs below the knee. I know they are available through Travelsmith and LL Bean and probably other places. They worked well for me in Rome. We spent a morning in St. Johns Lateran, then walked back to the Colosseum. I could remove the legs when it got too warm and quickly zip them back on for the churches. Also, it menat I did not have to pack an extra pair of shorts.

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32419 posts

Melanie, I use a lot of "travel friendly" Tilley clothing during my trips, and it's been great. Their products are offered in a variety of materials, so it's possible to find items that aren't "nylon". They have a great website and also offer a free catalogue. There appears to be a "Tilley retail partner" in Fremont and also Livermore, which I believe are close to your location. Good luck and happy travels!

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295 posts

I use LL Bean's tropical weight pants. Really lightweight cotton, breathe well, easy to clean. And reasonably priced!

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5 posts

I have used linen pants in the past. They are lightweight and make no noise when you walk. Whether or not he uses linen pants, I would suggest a linen shirt. They breathe, are lightweight and look nice.

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1898 posts

My husband has worn his shorts into all the churches and never had a problem. He gets hot quickly, so he doesn't enjoy long pants. That being said, we do pack a pair of Docker style khaki pants for evenings at dinner and cooler days. Plus, he always wears his jeans on the plane. I think they are heavy, but it's what he wears at home, and he's comfortable in them! We are NOT the zip off pant people. I personally think they are tacky for city use, they belong on the trail for hiking. Unless your husband can go European and wear "manpris" Capri pants for men...let him wear nice darker colored, to the knee shorts...he'll be fine, and he'll be comfortable and enjoy his trip that much more! It's going to be HOT in July, don't suffer!

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23731 posts

He is fine with short in churches until he runs into a madam or a guard who says no. You can get away with it in small churches which no one on the door and if you ignore the sign that says no bare shoulders, no shorts. But we are American tourists, adding to their economy, so we can do what we want.

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800 posts

Shorts in Italy (again)-my husband was turned away from the abbey at montecassino because he wore shorts. I've seen people buying paper skirts from vendors at St peters because they had on shorts. So i am surprised that ellens husband has gotten into all churches with no problem. But our last trip to Italy was 5 years ago-has it indeed changed?

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7737 posts

Depends on the church and the mood of the guard. Why take a chance? That's what makes the zip off legs a practical choice, even if they're not very stylish.

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93 posts

Well, we ordered LLBEAN Tropic weight cargo pants for him. I don't want to be turned away at a church since we are basically visiting a church every day. Hopefully they are light enough for him.

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7737 posts

Good choice. Remember that he shouldn't keep anything of value in the cargo pants pockets. There are pickpockets even in churches.

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53 posts

I wore a pair of linen pants and I will never wear anything but linen from now on. they are light to carry and wear as well as very cool. buy them an inch long because they will shrink in the dryer.