What kinds of clothes should we take for Switzerland for April 22 - 26, and the Cinque Terre for April 26 - 30, 2013
The best approach I've found is to keep an eye on one of the weather websites for a month or two before I leave; that way, I have some idea of whether it's a normal/cold/wet/warm/etc year. In April, I'd assume a range of weather, which translates most readily into clothes that can be layered, as well as assuming some wet weather. Silk long underwear is great.
Cinque Terre should be in the high 60s-low 70s that time of the year. However April may be wet. But check weather websites just 10 days before.
Switzerland is likely much cooler and wetter, but it varies depending on elevation. At higher altitudes there will be snow. I remember one year being stuck on a blizard in the Alps in mid May.
Plan to layer your clothing. Bring a rain jacket with a hood for sure. Then of course at least one long sleeve shirt. I'd recommend finding something in perhaps a Merino Wool, like from Icebreaker or Smartwool. Rain pants mostly likely won't be needed unless you are planning to hike, if this is the case, you should bring rain pants. Other than that, clothing that washes and drys quickly should be what is packed. April is still pretty early for warm weather in both countries, and it could snow on you in Switzerland and rain on you in the CT. Leave jeans at home unless you are very comfortable in them. Skip the zip off pants, or be totally branded as a tourist from America. You might find some nicer nylon pants that have more style for travel. Recommend checking out REI.com to shop for "travel, then clothing" for both men and women, look at the material/styles and then see what you have in your own closet that will work, shop for missing items.
(I should probably point out that April is the single worst month to visit the Swiss Alps). This is usually a damp time of year. Not much of an issue in Munich, because you can always find something to do inside to wait out a rain shower. If you plan to hike in the Alps, though, (bad time of year for this), you'll probably want to prepare yourself with a water-resistant jacket, and some kind of moisture-wicking shirt to wear underneath. The flipside of wearing clothes that are too warm is that even in relatively cool weather, you'll probably start to sweat heavily when you hike. You may not need them, but at least bring a pair of gloves, a hat and scarf. Finally, if hiking is on your itinerary, bring a sturdy set of well-broken-in footwear that you don't mind getting covered in mud and manure- April is the time of year when the farmers fertilize the pastures with liquid manure. It tends to run off onto the hiking trails. Checking the weather reports starting a few weeks in advanced will probably give you an inaccurate impression, because weather patterns can change rapidly between early and late April.