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Clothes and newbie advice

Leaving this week and getting final preparations in order for my families first trip to Rome, Sorrento and Venice. Any last minute advice is appreciated for this newbie . One question, do Italians wear shorts? I know that in the big churches I can’t wear them, but elsewhere if it’s hot, I’d like to. That said I also want to kinda blend in. Not sure that’s possible however.

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62 posts

In all my times in Italy (from April through October), I have not seen anybody wear shorts. Running shoes - yes. T-Shirts - yes. But not short pants (or, because of uneven terrain, sandals).

You would be best to pack a pair of light weight jeans or leggings and always carry a large scarf (to wrap around your shoulders) in case you enter a Church or Vatican City.

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16884 posts

Shorts are fine outside of the churches or Vatican with dress codes. I just wouldn't wear them REALLY short, like many of the younger ladies are doing these days. Knee-length is best, both genders, and no bare shoulders/backs. You really can't blend in so don't waste time worrying about it.

Joe, we've seen TONS of people, of all nationalities, in shorts, and here's the word from a couple of Italians - Roberto and Dario - in this recent thread:

Posted by
644 posts

As a general rule most Europeans don't wear shorts. That being said, wear shorts. It's your vacation so try to be as comfortable as possible. You can try to blend in but Italians will know you are a tourist. (Probably the map, travel book and camera gives you away). You want to enjoy your trip. Have fun

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144 posts

Thanks. We live in Florida and have mostly shorts. Can the kids get into churches with shorts? My husband? We brought pants for St. Peter’s and The Vatican but most other places the family planned on wearing shorts.

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1231 posts

Knees have to be covered, for everyone. My whole family wore shorts all over Italy and we felt perfectly normal. I cant imagine caring to blend in or not. These are cities with thousands of people. We had scarves that we carried in our cross-body bag for everyone to cover either shoulders or knees (wrapped around the waist like a skirt, over the shorts), and planned our outfits on the day we went to the Vatican (which meant my kids pulled their long shorts down very low on their waists so their knees were covered but so were their bums). Dont dress for the beach and you'll be fine ;)

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5697 posts

For hot weather I rely on a just-below-the-knee skirt, slightly gathered (not a good idea for your husband, though)

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5316 posts

I also prefer to wear cotton skirts in hot weather.

Have a great trip!

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28806 posts

Keep in mind that you may encounter interesting churches every day as you wander around, and you may want to pop in and see them. (Many will be free.) It's not just a matter of being suitably dressed for the Vatican.

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2702 posts

As a general rule most Europeans don't wear shorts.
rubbish as a European as soon as it gets warm enough the shorts are on ,Ok I don't wear them to work but any other time i do and when on leave wear them wherever i go, loads of european friends do the same.
Rome/Italy if visiting religious sites cover up but everywhere else shorts are usally worn by many.

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15806 posts

I don't remember seeing local women, older than teens, in shorts; a few men, yes, in knee-length shorts.

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16884 posts

If skirts aren't your thing (this tomboy doesn't own one), capris are a nice compromise for women.

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2768 posts

In churches in Italy, knees and shoulders covered for everyone, children included. Capri pants, very long shorts, midi skirts or dresses, a scarf wrapped as a skirt over shorts, leggings under a mini skirt, a road map fashioned into a toga, an adult t-shirt on a small child so it fits as a dress...all will work. Not all churches have someone checking, but it's still respectful to follow the rules. Major tourist draw churches, like St. Peters and other biggies will have guards turning people away. I always wear sleeveless tops and carry a scarf in my bag.

As to shorts - I have seen Italians wearing them. My tour guide on a food tour in Palermo (a Sicilian guy in his 30s) wore shorts and sneakers. In Rome it is more tourists that wear shorts, though. Especially on men over 50, for whatever reason I don't think older Italian men wear shorts often. Fashionable women sometimes wear trendy, dressier shorts with a blouse and sandals.
You do see shorts of all types on tourists all the time. Wear them if you will be more comfortable, but I'd suggest changing for the evening stroll and dinner, if planning anything specific (not just fancy restaurants). Shorts are accepted while sightseeing, but will look very out of place at a medium to good restaurant (except outdoor cafes or those in tourist or beach areas).

For women and girls a casual sundress is a good option. Nicer and cooler than shorts, and easier to pack. For some summer trips I will pack 7 dresses, and one pair of beach/hiking shorts and t-shirt and that's it for clothes.

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1255 posts

We just got back from Italy and it is hot already! We also are from Florida, and live in shorts. Wore them every day, except St. Peters day. People everywhere were wearing shorts, don't worry about it. Be comfortable!