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is it wise to bring white pants for travel in lake como and cinqueterre in september?

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16243 posts

There are no restrictions against white pants or pants of any color in Italy any time of the year.
However personally I don't like traveling with white pants because they get dirty easily and dirt/stains show on white more than on darker clothes. Since while traveling washing options are limited, I prefer colors that camouflage filth more easily.

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15799 posts

I wore white pants on my last trip. The only problem was sitting down - I eschewed a lot of outdoor perches because they looked a bit dirty and I never sat on the grass. I would have had the same issues with any light-colored pants.

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16775 posts

I wouldn't advise it either for the same reasons Roberto and Chiani have given: you're unlikely to be able to wear them more than once before they'll need washing. Dark pants hide dust, dirt, little mishaps with food, etc. a lot better, and require washing a lot less often.

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3943 posts

As someone who took a white jacket to Europe a few years back, I didn't even get out of Heathrow before I had a big black smudge on the arm. Luckily it was a North Face jacket that washes very well, and our airbnb had a washing machine so I gave it a clean. But by the end of a few weeks, it was horribly grungy. Obviously you won't be wearing them every day (right?) but you have to be so careful about sitting, eating, drinking...I'm more apt now to take khaki/navy/black/beige colour pants and jeans...and my travel jacket is now grey :) Even just walking around on the streets is enough to get the cuffs grungy.

White looks so clean and crisp I understand wanting to wear them...I guess another question is how long are you travelling for and how many other pants will you bring? If you were going to travel light and only bring a few pair, I def wouldn't make one of them white. If you will have access to a laundry and can wash them if they get stained, then that helps. And no matter how careful you are - stuff happens. We were in Venice sitting outside eating under a tree and a big ripe purple berry fell out of the tree and exploded on my pants. Luckily I was wearing jeans, I had a Shout wipe to get the worst of it off and the stain was mostly hidden (and thank God it missed my beige linen camera bag!). My mom had the same thing happen in England - wearing a beige jacket and a berry fell from a tree into her hair and she got a little on her coat - Shout wipes are great!

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3 posts

thanks everyone--I should have made my question a bit clearer--wonder about the fashionista Italians----they probably don't approve of white in september??

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32 posts

To answer your follow up question, even the fashionatas in Italy would not care if you wore white in September.

The no white after Labor Day (September) rule is completely one that was invented by Americans. It even seems to be going to the wayside here in the states, except for maybe people who are stuck on older rules of fashion.

That being said, I do not think white is a practical color for a vacation. Walking around, sitting at outdoor cafes, exploring, hiking, all run the risk of getting some dirt on you. I would stick to darker colors, personally, especially for pants.

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58 posts

I should be able to wear white. I am from the Northeast but now I live in NC. There is no Labor Day rule here and I love it. I am bringing white shorts and Capri pants but I will over pack, because unfortunately I always do!

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1625 posts

I am absolutely bringing a pair of white capri jeans for our October trip. It is the only color I can use a bleach pen on, super easy to just spot clean.

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419 posts

Let's all try to remember that the original rule about Labor Day and white was no white shoes after labor day--never, ever had anything to do with clothing.

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16243 posts

What? What kind of stupid rule is that?
Labor Day isn't even in September in Italy (it's on May 1st).
Italian women wear white pants in September and nobody there ever heard of this American rule.
If by white shoes you mean those huge white sneakers people in America wear for comfort to work with their business suits, those are more likely to raise high brows.

Posted by
419 posts

I agree completely that no white shoes after Labor Day (September in the U.S.) is a stupid rule and was aimed at women in the U.S.A . only. I think it was first proclaimed by some junior fashion writer in NYC--long before the big white tennis shoes had even appeared.

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16775 posts

jshefren, no one is going to care what you wear. The point is not about dress codes - not that there are many of those outside of churches and 5-star restaurants - but simply about practicality. They're going to get dirty the first time you wear them. If they'll wash in the sink, dry overnight and not need ironing, then bring them. If they're going to take a lot of maintenance, they're best left at home.

The Cinque Terre is a popular destination for hikers as well as cruise ships so you're going to see a lot of people, including in the cafes, wearing cargo shorts, t-shirts, boots and packs as well as jeans, khakis, capris and skirts. They'll be wearing anything and everything so take what is comfortable and practical for strenuous walking (even if you don't hike; you'll be doing a lot of hills) and variable weather.