In my highly technical and qualified research (Google, haha)...I haven't seen a ton of recent information on Clementine Chapel. Most everything is pre-Covid.
With seating being limited, I am wondering if you have to request tickets for attendance? Or is there a lottery? Or perhaps another way of assigning tickets? Now, I think previously masses in the Clementine Chapel were at 7 am, so that may stave off some of the crowds. The most recent article I read explained how to get to the Clementine Chapel and didn't mention anything about needing a reservation or tickets or anything.
I came here, but unfortunately, there weren't a lot of Clementine Chapel posts, and the most recent were 6-7 years ago.
Has anyone done a 7am mass at the Clementine Chapel recently? Is it still happening? Is it possible for the public to go?