What is the best and least expensive way to get from the port to Florence
Most convenient way will be by train. Take the train from Civit... to Rome and Rome to Florence. The train from Civit,,, is a commuter run, 3 to 4 times an hour and between 45 mins to an hour 15 depending on the train. If you have an opportunity to buy the ticket from Civit to Rome ahead of time do so. Purchases a a second class open ticket. When the cruises ships unload at Civit,,, the lines are impossible to buy tickets. Buy a ticket for a Regional train (1-15), validate at the yellow on get on the next regional train and you will be in Rome before you could have bought the ticket by waiting in line.
Best and least expensive are usually 2 different things. You can take a train between cities. You can hire a cab but that will be very expensive. You can hire a private transfer but that, too, will be very expensive. You might be able to take a shuttle shared by others. You may want to go to cruisecritic to see if there is a shuttle or transfer you can share. How many people are you traveling with? If it's only the two of you you may want to just take the train. If it's more than 2 of you a shared transfer may be the best offer. Donna
For Rome-Florence most trains are high-speed EuroStar Italia trains that make the trip in around 90 minutes. If you arrive in Rome at the right time, you could take a slightly cheaper IC train which makes the trip in 3 hours.