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Civita & Orvieto in 1 day

Is it possible to see Civita & Orvieto in 1 day? I would like to do both and I know they are close together.

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12 posts

I should clarify that we have a car and about 6 hours.

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3 posts

We stayed in Orvieto 2 nights and took the bus to Civita as a day trip. Orvieto is such a neat town with underground caves, a fabulous Cathedral (we sat and ate pizza on the steps) and neat views cliff side. Did spend a better part of the day going to Civita with the bus and walking and enjoying wine and bruschetta (cooked in a fireplace in a kazillion year old cave). Just note sure how you could really enjoy them both in only one day. But, with a car I'm sure you could breeze through.

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2207 posts

Well, they are close on the map but these are winding Italian back roads, then there's parking, then you have to climb up the "bridge" to Civita.

If you're going to explore either I would not recommend trying to do both in one day. Both have many hidden treasures that you just can't see in 6 hours... It's possile but...

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510 posts

I think you can. In 2004, we drove from Cortona to Rome to drop off a friend at the airport then went to Civita and Orvieto and then back to Cortona. It was a very pleasant day trip.

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13 posts

I think you could, but obviously both would be rushed. My friend and I planned to do the same thing you are (seeing Civita and Orvieto), but we ended up staying in Orvieto the whole time. However, I think having a car will make everything go quite a bit faster. Be careful driving around in Orvieto, it can get a little... tight. Also, make sure you go on the underground tour - you can get tickets in the tourist office at the piazza for the cathedral.

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1170 posts

I was coming to ask the same but we won't have a car.

If we left Rome early enough in the morning (only have a week there), is it possible to see most of what Orvieto has to offer in the morning, and then spend the afternoon in Civita, or maybe the other way around?

If you think there is that much to enjoy in both Ron, would you advise two separate day trips?

Posted by
689 posts

We had a car -

We went to Chivita in the morning and explored, then to Orvieto for the afternoon. Had our picnic lunch in a nice park at the top of the cliff overlooking all the vineyards! Beautiful.

But it was a long day - we were out and about for a good 12 hours that day.