Have you visited Civita di Bagnoregio by public transportation? Is it better to bus it from Orvieto or from Viterbo? If you miss the last bus out... what do you do?
There is a bus that leaves and returns from Orvieto. Civita is not very big and once you are left at the main square there is a local small bus that takes you to the site you want to see(it is a long walk so take the bus). Just make sure you schedule when the bus returns to Orvieto. To explore the town across the big expansion bridge does not take long - you can even have lunch there. I would make sure you leave on the first bus going there. We drove but have been there twice so know that it is not that big but should be seen. Hope this helps.
Thanks Shelly I know that there is a bus from Orvieto, but it's not very frequent so I wonder if the one from Viterbo is a better way to go... based on all my research so far it seems that going by car is the simplest way. I don't like the feeling of "rushing back to get last bus" because it would be one heck of an expensive cab ride back!! LOL I think I might do something "organized" through the Tourist Office.
Tried to go there by bus from Orvieto last Saturday, but the buses were only at 06:45 and 12:45: one too early and one as the day got too hot. So we skipped it. I am told that starting in Sept there's another morning bus, but not sure what time. We are renting a car in a couple of weeks to go back nd see some of the places we cannot see easily via public transportation.
Simone, I travelled via public transportation to Civita di Bagnoregio a few years ago. I took the Cotral Bus from Orvieto to Bagnoregio, and then the small Shuttle to the base of the bridge at Civita. Availability of Buses may be greater on weekdays (Feriale), as shown in this schedule: www.cotralspa.it/PDF_Orari_Comune/Orvieto.pdf Buses in the reverse direction appear to be listed here: www.cotralspa.it/PDF_Orari_Comune/Bagnoregio.pdf I believe they add a few runs during the school year, so you may have a few more departures to choose from. The small Shuttle seems to have "variable" hours and takes a "siesta" in the afternoon. Be sure to verify the times for the trip back to Bagnoregio, so you don't miss the Bus to Orvieto. I wasn't aware of the siesta, and got stranded in a torrential rain storm, but as it turned out I was offered "alternate transportation" (it's a long story). If I had missed the last Bus, I probably would have just looked for a hotel room in either Civita or Bagnoregio. Franco has a couple of rooms above Trattoria Antico Forno, so that's one possibility. Happy travels!