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Civita di Bagnoregio

Has anybody (besides Rick Steves) stayed at the B & B in Civita di Bagnoregio? Is there anything to see or do after dinner? How is the food? Is this worth a night?

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606 posts

We stayed at Civita B&B a couple of months ago.

I've heard that Rick Steves doesn't stay there when he visits town. He stays in a nicer place over in "New Bagnoregio".

The only thing to do after dinner, besides go to your room, is wander about the village (it's well lit by street lights). After we ate dinner, the rest of our group went to their rooms (no TV) but I wandered the streets for about 45 minutes. I walked every street in the town, never saw a soul except for a couple of cats.

I absolutely loved the solitude and having the whole town to myself. I'd love to do it again sometime.

The food was real good. It's worth a night if you want a quiet, fun experience. But take a good book because there's not much to do once you've seen the town.

Most people stay over in Orvieto and just spend half a day in Civita.

My TripAdvisor review is HERE.

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425 posts

There is COTRAL bus service between Orvieto and Bagnoregio (new town). It takes 20 minutes on foot from the bus stop to reach Civita.

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204 posts

We are driving to Civita in May 2010. We did this before but left the car in town Bagnoregio and walked to Civita. Can you drive you car thru town and leave it at the base of Civita?

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606 posts

"Can you drive you car thru town and leave it at the base of Civita?"

Absolutely! There's a large parking lot under the base of the pedestrian bridge up into Civita. Just drive through Bagnoregio, veer left when you get to the pedestrian bridge, go down the ramp and park under the bridge (there was no charge the night we parked there) and hike up into Civita.

The path through Bagnoregio has a few turns, but our GPS just handled it and we arrived right at the bridge. I recall seeing a few signs with arrows pointing the way to Civita also, so you can probably find your way without having to ask.

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203 posts

Regarding the walk up the hill, is it stairs? Would a wheeled suitcase work? About how many stories of a ascent is there?

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4 posts

The walk uphill is long and steep with no assistance. My husband was running a fever and insisted on carrying the bags by himself. He thinks the walk is 1/4 mile. You definitely need wheels on your suitcase. One night is more than enough--there is nothing to do. We were lucky and got to watch a movie being made the night we stayed. The food is heavy on the garlic but good.

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4 posts

Oh, I forgot--there are a few stairs at the entrance to the "city." The ascent is quite steep. We were hot and sweaty and exhausted when we arrived. I threw myself on the bed and stayed there for a while.

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1005 posts

We visited Civita in July 2007 and as other posters stated you can easily park at the base of the footbridge. We spent several hours here and had a nice lunch at Trattoria Antico Forno. Had thought about spending a night here but glad that we didn't as there really isn't much here. The town itself is the sight. From a previous posting here I also heard that Maria's husband has passed away and that Maria no longer lives in Civita due to health problems. She gave us a tour of her garden and we have a lovely picture of her.