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Circumvesuviana Schedule

What time does the Circumvesuviana train start going from Naples to Sorrento in the morning, and what is its latest return? If anyone could send me a schedule in English, that would be very helpful! We'll be there in late May. I know the trains typically leave every 1/2 hour--is that correct?

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Luke, the first train leaves Napoli Porta Garibaldi (downstairs inside the main train station) at 6:11 and arrives at Sorrento at 7:17. The last train departs Sorrento at 21:37 (9:37pm) and arrives at Porta Garibaldi at 22:39 (10:39pm). This information is available at; you can default to English as your language but the timetable will list the stops by their Italian names. You are correct, trains leave every half-hour.