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Cinque Terre to Amalfie coast advice

Hey everyone..I just had some advice to and my friend are going to Italy and have extra days left after planning. We are leaving from Cinque Terre and really want to spend some time on the Amalfie Coast, anywhere from sorrento or capri...we would be leaving early on the 10th of June and will have 2 days to spend in the region..before heading back to Rome..
We were just wondering where we should head for..Capri or Sorrento and what we should do there and how to get there...we checked the trains and have a general idea but if any of you could help with specifics it would be a real help..

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32322 posts


To begin with it's going to take some time to get from the Cinque Terre to the Amalfi Coast, so that will use the better part of your day on 10 June.

I checked briefly and there are some direct trains from La Spezia to Napoli. For example, on 10 June there's a train departing La Spezia Centrale at 07:59, arriving Napoli Centrale at 14:36 (Time 6H:37M, compulsory reservations). From Napoli you'll need to transfer to the Circumvesuviana commuter train for the trip to Sorrento. I can't recall the travel time from Napoli to Sorrento?

I'd suggest using Sorrento as a "home base" and taking a day trip to Capri. There are lots of choices on "what we should do there" depending on what you want to see. Pompeii is one obvious choice, and of course having a brief look around Capri. I'm not sure you'll have time for much else with only two days in the area?

If you decide to visit Pompeii, I'd highly recommend using the services of one of the Guides (there are excellent Guides listed in the Italy book).

You might want to pack along a copy of the Italy 2009 Guidebook as there's lots of information there in terms of activities in that area as well as transportation.

Happy travels!

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6 posts

thanks for the reply vernon..I was just wondering..if maybe we should just sleep in a night train (assuming we will take the 1:27 a.m train)since we can get there for 9 ish..we will have the full 2 days...
We are staying at the Ostello 5 Terre suggested in Rick Steve's book...if we do this what could we do to kill time before..obviously we wont stay at the hostel since curfew is at midnight..would there be anything open around that time close to the train station at La Spezia?
Also we are going to be based in Manarola and I was wondering how long it takes from La Spezia to Manarola or vice versa..

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32322 posts


The train ride from Manarola to La Spezia isn't far, perhaps 15 minutes. Manarola is the second town from the south and the ride from Riomaggiore (the first town) is only about 8-minutes.

You could certainly take the 01:27 train but the problem might be getting from Manarola to La Spezia at that time of day. I'm not sure how late the smaller local trains run? Hopefully Tim or one of the other rail expert can could provide info on that?

One other point I was wondering about. You'll probably have to check-out of the Ostello 5-Terre at about 11:00. What are you going to do with your luggage from 11:00 until perhaps 00:30 when you'll be taking the train to La Spezia and then Naples?

You could certainly "sleep in a night train" but if you and your friend are both asleep in a normal seat, you might find your bags missing when you wake up. Renting a Couchette will be an additional cost but somewhat safer (although I've heard of a few theft problems with those as well). If you're going to use a night train, BE SURE to choose one that has no changes, otherwise you won't be getting much sleep!


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290 posts

Ken, the ride from Naples to Sorrento is about an hour or a bit less.

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6 posts

Ken(I mistook your name for vernon haha sorry)
Thanks for the reply,
honestly thats my biggest question, If we do take the night train we would probably have 2 hours to kill, and as you mentioned there is the issue of whether or not there will be a train from Manarola to La Spezia..and I hadn't thought of the thefts...that could be an issue...also if we do take couchettes does our eurail pass cover that? (we got the 7 day Italy Pass)and yeah I made sure it was a no change train...
if not we could just take the later one...its just we will only arrive in sorrento at around 3 which is not the best time i guess...
Is there anyone here that could tell me about the local trains...

Posted by
6 posts regard to check-out..I would have to ask them but in their reservation email it says:

Curfew is at midnight and it is not possible leave the hostel between midnight and 7am.
The hostel and the reception are closed from 1pm to 4pm (it is not possible to Check in)
Lockout is from 10am to 4pm.

I'm assuming then that we can check out as late as perhaps 11:45...then walk to the train station and get to La Spezia...that could maybe take 30 minutes so we would then have an hour left to you think anything there might be a cafe or something (at La Spezia I mean)
This may sound stupid but I read somewhere that people and businessed stay open late in maybe?
And it dangerous to be walking around that late if we are only 2 girls...I know that in general its dangerous everywhere but is it particularly dangerous?
sorry if I sound really uninformed...

and Thanks again...

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6 posts

Ok so we decided to take the 7:59 train from La Spezia to Naples..the only problem is the lockout at the Hostel....we sent them a message to ask if there could be an exception but if not we will have to cancel a night there since the only train leaving from Manarola is at we might have to get another hostel in La Spezia to make it easier...any suggestions?

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32322 posts


If you checked-out of the Ostello 5 Terre at 23:45, you'd very likely have to pay for another day (but only use part of it). Although the C.T. Hostel is a great Hostel, the lockouts and other "restrictions" are a problem for me, so I use alternative accommodations when visiting that area. BTW, it would be a good idea to get used to "thinking in" only the 24-hour time system, as that's what the railways in Europe use exclusively.

NO, your Rail Pass does not include the cost of a Couchette. You might want to download the free PDF Rail Guide from this website, as all the "rules" are explained. Even if using a Couchette there are some risks if leaving the compartment (some travellers have reported things "missing" from their Packs when they go to the WC for a few minutes), however since you're travelling with someone else that shouldn't be a problem.

According to the information I have at the moment, the last train leaves Vernazza at 23:54, heading for La Spezia; from Manarola it will be a few minutes after that. Hopefully one of the rail experts here can confirm that.

As I recall, there's a McDonald's at La Spezia Centrale, but I don't know how late they stay open? (I know, that's not the best choice of cuisine in Italy but at that late hour, one can't be "choosy").

As far as being "dangerous", I suspect you'll be fine at La Spezia. However, Napoli Centrale at that hour would be a different story!

Hope this helps?


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32322 posts


For accommodations in the area, you might also have a look at Mar-Mar Rooms in Riomaggiore. In addition to private rooms, they also operate somewhat of a Hostel. Since Riomaggiore is only about 8-minutes by train from La Spezia, it's not a difficult trip.
