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Checking Luggage

I am headed to Italy for 14 days this friday I am fkying Swiss Air out if Boston with a transfer in Zurich and their carry on limit is 17.6 lbs plus a small personal item. As much as I have tried I cannot get below the weight limit. Im at 20lbs even w the heaviest items in my 'personal item' bag
I have a TS Motherload backpack. At 20lbs I have to trouble wearing it but it looks like I will have to check it.

I am most concerned about the air line lossing my luggage.

I am curious to know how often it really happens.

Anyone have it happen to you?

Posted by
8291 posts

What is the use in going if you may be overly concerned about the airline losing your bag.
If you have to check something simply do not put anything irreplaceable in it or that you can't do without
If it is a back pack. checkin online night before and go to the gate. When boarding wear the bag on your back.

I use to work claims for an international airline at O'hare Chicago.
When a bag is lost most of the time it was attributed to a late checkin or when a connecting flight was involved

Posted by
75 posts

Thanks for your reply!

I do have to transfer in zurich but both flights are with Swiss Air.

Posted by
8291 posts

Swiss air is a good airline no nonsense.
Edit: Just check the 3lbs you are over. I'm sure you can survive that if its is lost.

Posted by
21693 posts

I used Swiss with groups of up 68 with transfers to other airports to and back to the States through Zurich on several occasions. Not a single person had a lost or delayed bag. Most recent was 3 years ago returning Venice to Zurich to Chicago. No problems.

I always carry my ski boots and a complete set of ski clothes and have not had a problem making the weight or dimension specs, since I want to have my gear for the next day, what ever happens to my street clothes. In your case, I would check a small collapsible bag and carry just critical must-have items in the back pack which will be your carry-on.

Posted by
75 posts

Thanks everyone! Glad to hear Swiss Air has a good track record.

Sam that was exactly my plan, keep the backpack with me and check my excess few lbs. of items in a small daybag I was bringing!

I feel like why cut out clothing that will make my trip more comfortable. Honestly, I didn't pack a lot!

Posted by
2739 posts

The reassurances you have received based on personal experience are not reliable. If it's your bag that is lost/delayed it's a 100% loss. With a connection you'd best hope the flights are on time. You have 2.4 pounds to lose. Start figuring out what you can leave behind and buy when you arrive. From years of traveling to Europe I can tell you short of your prescription drugs and contact lenses there is nothing you cannot buy when you get there. Cut it down, carry on your bags.

Posted by
1068 posts

Although it is comparatively rare for luggage to be lost outright (although it does happen), it is more common for luggage to be misplaced several days. You can take steps to minimize the chance that either loss or delay will occur: a) if you have a tight connection, your luggage has a tight connection, try to have a few hours for transfers, b) make sure the airline luggage tag is affixed properly with the correct final destination and the tag is not wrinkled, c) minimize loops, ribbons, etc. on the outside of your bag which may catch on automated luggage routers, d) clearly label your luggage with your name (and I have contact e-mail as well)...I use a metal tag attached with an electrical grade cable ties, e) have a copy of your itinerary immediately visible on the inside of your luggage and (for me) in one of the outside addition to your name and contact information, I include the hotels, addresses and dates I will be there for the first week or so after I fly. Additionally, I take a phone photo of my checked luggage in case I am reporting it as lost so I can show the airline what it looks like. Also, know your rights if luggage is lost or misplaced.

Posted by
21693 posts

Which is why the critical-items-carry-on is a good strategy. Two pairs of blue jeans, six T-shirts, and a bunch of underwear and socks will catch up to you eventually. And if not, they're for sale at the local equivalent to Walmart. Landi's in Switzerland is my go-to shop. If they don't have it, you don't need it.

Posted by
33 posts

I have never flown that airline so I have no personal experience with them, but I'm wondering how likely they are to be weighing everyone's carry on bags at the gate in Boston? If your backpack otherwise meets their acceptable dimensions and your aren't limping under the crushing weight of an obviously too heavy bag, I wouldn't think you would even catch their eye to weigh the bag. Again, I do NOT know from personal experience how they operate, and can only say that I have never personally come across an airline in the US that was weighing all carry ons during boarding. Asking people to put them in the size checker, yes, but only weighing ones if they were obviously already stuffed full and looked borderline on size. If it were my flight, I would go straight to the gate with the backpack and take my chances. Yes, the downside being that IF they weigh it and make you gate check it at that point in Boston, you haven't already pulled all of your irreplaceable items out. Although you could also prepare for that by having your small duffel of irreplaceables within the backpack that you could pull out at the last second and then gate check the pack. I could much more see them strictly weighing the bags for smaller commuter flights where weight and onboard storage area is a bigger concern. It's just an option. Or just check the 3 pounds, like others said, or best yet, find a way to shave off 3 pounds somewhere. I would be curious if someone who has flown Swiss Air could give guidance on if they are weighing every carry-on bag during boarding, but I guess that still would just be one person's experience and not a guarantee of what you'd get on your day.

Posted by
362 posts

Check one bag. Take a carry on bag that DOES fit the airline's weight restrictions. Make sure that your carry on has enough clothes + important other stuff (charger cords, OTC and/or Rx meds) that you literally NEED once you land.

And make sure that you have the address of your first hotel on you when you land in Italy. If your bag is delayed, you'll want to give a contact number/address for the bag to be delivered.

Have a great trip!!

Posted by
15237 posts

I always check in my spinner or suitcase before that. Now I carry the shoulder sack on board. Prior to that I had check in 2 it is only one.

Posted by
1082 posts

There is another way to make your trip without checking any luggage. I use a Scottevest jacket when I travel that has 20+ pockets built into it, just take out the things in your bag that weight the most and will fit into the jacket pockets and wear the jacket through the boarding gate, I have done this numerous times and it works like a charm. I you call Scottevest I'm sure they would overnight whatever you pick out. You may find a similar jacket where you live at a local store if your lucky.

(I am not affiliated with Scottevest or any other company, but I do like travel clothes that work!)

Posted by
5861 posts

The risk of losing your checked bag is very, very low. The risk of your checked bag being misdirected for a few days is only slightly higher. But since no one in their right mind packs anything irreplaceable in their checked luggage, I don't think you need to be too worried. Unless you're one of THOSE (lol) who only spend one night in their first destination city before taking off again for distant places.

Really, if all you've got in your checked bag is a pair or 2 of shoes, underwear, shirts and pants, maybe some toiletries, what is there to worry about? You can replace that at any department store in an hour.

I've been travelling internationally for over 40 years and have never lost a checked bag. And in all that time, I had a bag delayed by one day on 2 occasions. There are a lot of important things to worry about with long international travel. This shouldn't be one of them.

Posted by
75 posts

Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences and advice. I am going to try again tonight to whittle down to the 17lbs. I really am not afraid of permanently losing a checked bag, I doubt that will happen and if it does its only cloths-not life altering. I get that I can buy clothes but honestly, who wants to spend time or vacation funds on clothes. Alternately, doing laundry and hoping it dries or spending time at a laundry-mat every few days?

I am just shocked that so little can weigh SO MUCH!

We are travelling south to north--Sorrento, Orvieto, San Quirico, Florence. Day temps upper 60's/mid 70's Nite temps as low as 40's

In TS Motherload backpack (meets carry-on specs):
(I know-lots of black--its "slimming") Italics are things I will take out but I don't think that will be enough to lose 3lbs.
3 sleeveless tops-micro fiber (black, white & mint) nix-white top
2 short sleeved tops-synthetic (black & green) nix black
2 long sleeved tops-micro fiber (black & white) nix black
1 lightweight cardigan sweater (black)
2 capri pants-micro fiber (black) nix 1 pair
1 long pant-micro fiber (black)
1 nice dress-synthetic (black) nix reluctantly
2 sheer scarfs ( both multi-colored)
1 Pj-light weight
5 underwear nix 2pr
1 bra
2 pairs of socks
1 pair of shoes (less than 1/2 lb)
Phone cord, eruo plug, clothes line, brush, ear plugs, drain-plug

In ‘personal item’ crossbody tote: 13”x12”x4” (meets specs): will double as day bag
1 bathing suit
1 rain jacket
Battery pack
Makeup/rx/hygiene prods-in ziplock
sm purse, map, travel docs
Bag will be packed to the brim.

Wearing on plane- pants/long sleeve top, scarf, 2nd pair of shoes & heavier outdoor sweater warm enough to wear on chilly nights.

Is this really too much for a 2 week trip? I used RS packing list as a guide but it seems like his list is based on a carry-on limit of 25lbs. not 17.

Also my layover for connecting flight in Zurich is 1hr 15mins.

Posted by
1054 posts

I started weighing all the items in bag after hearing one of Rick's Guides Sarah Murdoch. I also went to a smaller bag from 10x14x22 to 8x10x19 to help reduce the amoutn of stuff I bring. From weighing and replacing clothes I was able to reduce my load from avg 22 lbs last couple trips to 18lbs this past September but next trip will be down to 15 lbs since i had a pair of Lederhosen with me on this trip that weigh a ton. I laughed at first when I heard he say pull out the kitchen scale but it works

Posted by
28809 posts

That isn't a great deal of clothing, but I'd try to take only one sweater, and I wonder whether you'll get any use out of the swimsuit. I like the idea of 5 rather than 3 sets of underwear.

I imagine you have considerable weight in your luggage itself, which is probably unavoidable, but what about toiletries and cosmetics? Is everything in as small and light a container as possible? Liquids and gels are heavy.

Posted by
75 posts

My cardigan isn't warm enough for 40-50 degree temps-really, its more for over short&sleevless tops during the day. The other sweater (wearing on plane) is more for outerwear but fits under my lightweight rain jacket (the only jacket I am bringing). I thought that way the rain jacket can be worn in warm alone or cold weather with a sweater underneath.

I really don't have much liquids. 1ml bottle of foundation, toothpaste, deodorant, face cream--all travel sized and a pack of makeup wipes.

I will try weighing my items and try to reconfigure. I may ditch the dress- its a maxi dress so there is a decent amount of weight. If I pull stuff out and it’s still close to 17 lbs I think I will just check a bag rather than sacrifice taking the clothing that will make me happy on what could be a once in a life-time trip.
When land I can put the checked clothing back in my backpack and be down to my one bag and day tote. I have already put the backpack on with the 20lbs and had no problem with the weight. It's Swiss Air who has a problem with it! LOL

Posted by
3382 posts

In 43 years of traveling, regularly, I've had one instance of delay in 1983. It wasn't our suitcases, but our skis. Due to a snow storm and delays we had to run to our connection. Somehow our luggage made it, our skis that required more special handling, I assume, did not. However, they were delivered to the door on the day of arrival by midnight so no ski time lost. Just check your backpack and don't worry about it; however, before checking pull out from your BP a small recycle grocery bag or such with a change of clothes, just in case, so you don't have to shop if delayed. (I would hate having to lug a backpack that size around the airport anyway, but many apparently love it. To each their own.) And because you don't have to struggle with overhead luggage you have a better chance of getting off the flight before the crowds (I pick my seat accordingly), hit immigration ahead of the masses, freshen up and retrieve your luggage. And you have enough clothes, etc. to make your trip light, but pleasant, rather than spartan.

You can do things to help your luggage arrive on time:
1. mark it individually so in a sea of suitcases, your's can be spotted---I wrap handles with bright colors--take a picture of your bag so you can show the airline and make it unique
2. make sure the correct label goes on the bag when tagged by the checkin people
3. don't be late to the airport and be sure to have adequate time between flights
I imagine most people who have problems with their luggage did not do their part to assist the process.

Posted by
75 posts

Thanks Wray! You make some good points. I did pay a bit extra and got a seat just behind business class because I do have a short layover of 1:15 between transfers in Zurichbut both flights are SwissAir so that is a plus.

I think I got hung up on the fact that my daughter was warned by her study abroad program that luggage frequently does not arrive on time. Also, 2 of 3 friends who travelled to Italy in this past year had their luggage not arrive with them. I thought just a carry-on would be the way to go. I like your description, travel light but not spartan :)

It seems like the general consensus here is, overall it really does not happen too often.

Thanks everyone for your advice!

Posted by
1230 posts

Then there's the "Heidi" packing system: wear everything that you can that has a bit of weight. I am able to carry 4 lbs of electronic gear (including phone) plus books plus meds, etc, in the POCKETS of my rain jacket. I recently purchased my new rain jacket (at Eddie Bauer) based on how many deep pockets that it has, as my next trip will include both Vueling and Volotea airlines in and out of Croatia, and both of those airlines have lower carry-on weight limits than do United, Delta and American airlines. I would suggest wearing your rain jacket over your sweater and STUFFING your pockets with your electronics, battery pack, clothesline, make-up, meds (in zip-locks), and such. Once you are on-board, you could empty your pockets into your carry-on baggage, and roll up and stow the rain jacket. Good luck!

Posted by
21693 posts

I notice that you now say "we". How is the other person (or people) packing? Maybe you can share space with the other person. You could even pick up a small bag at a thrift shop, pack the excess in that, then toss it after repacking everything when you arrive in (assume) Naples.

Posted by
5837 posts

There is a big different between lost and delayed luggage.

Lost meaning that you never see it again is the big problem. Don't check anything that cannot be replaced and/or you need in the near term on you trip.

Delayed can be minor with delivery the same day or evening. Other than having to wait until the luggage belt stops and dealing with the claim, the benefit is the airline delivers your bag to you. Delayed luggage is less of a problem on the return flight.

Long delay as in next day or three can be a significant inconvenience. Pack several days of stuff along with stuff than cannot be easily replaced in you carry on baggage.

Posted by
56 posts

Not to scare you, but I've had lost or misplaced luggage on several trips with different carriers. On my first trip to Europe, I went to England, my luggage went to Hawaii. Got it back three days later. Last year, my sister-in-law flew Aer Lingus, Boston to Marseilles via an overnight in Dublin. She got to Marseilles, but it took four days for her suitcase to arrive. It was a good thing we were in one spot for two weeks! Then, the night before we were to head home, we learned that AL had accidentally cancelled her flight due to a strike and there was a scramble to find her a flight. She went Vueling to Madrid, then Iberia to Boston. Vueling lost her luggage. It took her seventeen days (17!) to get her luggage back. They would not have found it and had given up looking for it, but my SIL was dogged in her pursuit because her bag was filled with treasures from brocantes (fleamarkets) and she was NOT going to lose them! Her luggage found its way all over the world before finding its way home.

So, while these may be uncommon occurrences, they do happen.

Posted by
2739 posts

Whoa! A 75 minute connection! You just raised the odds of delayed baggage significantly. And frankly, you are way overpacked. Just looking at pants alone you have several pairs too many. My wife packed about half of what you are carrying for three weeks in the heat of summer and still had things she did not wear. And your post asks how often it really happens, anyone have it happen to you? Answers: yes it happens. Picture not getting whatever you checked for anywhere from 2 days to never. Doesn't matter how often it happens unless you like playing odds. But given your connection and the propensity for US to Europe flights to be late, you have increased the risk, And has it happened to you (me) ? Yes, twice. We've never checked bags since. You should enter Lost Luggage in the search box on this forum and read the tales before you check that bag.

Posted by
8805 posts

when my husband and I have a dicey connection we do two things: we cross pack i.e. I put a complete outfit in a cube in my husband's suitcase and he puts one of his in mine. that way worst case scenario, we have something to wear when we get there if one bag goes astray. (we were on a Russian river cruise where one guy didn't get his luggage for 8 days and had to rely on the kindness of strangers and on the souvenir Tshirt he bought from the gift shop.) I also carry a messenger bag on board with electronics, cameras and medications and also pack one extra pair of pants, shirt and underclothes so if nothing gets through I have clothes. We would hate to lose our luggage permanently, but nothing that can't be replaced. All of the irreplaceable or difficult to replace or expensive things go in the messenger bag carry on.

We have never had more than a few hours delay with luggage, but we have several friends who never got their luggage in an entire trip. It was eventually returned home. My daughter traveled to central America with a friend for vacation and the friend's luggage didn't make it. Luckily I had given my daughter a 'bathing suit system i.e. a couple of bottoms and 3 tops that mixed and matched for this beach vacation, and so she was able to lend her friend a bathing suit and the friend bought a sarong and T shirt and coped.

Posted by
75 posts

Well after reading all this I guess checking my bag is too risky given my 75min between flights.

The Heidi packing strategy is looking pretty appealing.

Back to the drawing board or should I say whittling board!

Posted by
368 posts

I flew Swiss Air last year from SFO to Zurich with a friend. I checked in on the day of my flight and my carry on, 22” bag was weighed. My travel companion checked in online and printed her boarding pass and went straight to security and never went to the checkin counter. No weight checked.

In all the flights I have taken i have always checked my luggage as I hate hauling it through the airport. It was delayed once when my flight from Florence to Paris was delayed. It was delivered to me the the still day. That being said I take anything I can’t do without I take on the plane. Otherwise I don’t worry about it.

You will hear all sorts of horror stories about lost luggage, you are taking to much clothing,or to little and all sorts of other advice or comments. However, there is no way of knowing what will happen on your trip. Check your luggage if you want, or carry it on. Just don’t over think it. Do what you are most comfortable with.

Posted by
362 posts

I might have missed it where someone mentioned it above, but just remember you'll have to do laundry more frequently with fewer pairs of socks and undies. I'd lose something else before I packed fewer of either item.

Then again, I really hate doing laundry. If I can delay it, all the better! ;-)

Posted by
75 posts

Well, I shuffled a few things around from my carry on to my personal item bag, dropped the dress and a top and will wear my raincoat over my sweater onto the plane. Voila, below 17.6 lbs!

Taking into consideration the inconvenience of a possible delay/lost luggage or a hassle of a carry on to manage during transfer in Zurich.. I would rather know my luggage will arrive in Naples when I do. We have a private car taking us to our hotel in Sorrento so no dealing with the carrying luggage on the public train from Naples to Sorrento.

"We" is me and my daughter. She is studying abroad in Florence and will be meeting me in Naples where we will start our 2 week trip from. Very exciting stuff, can't wait to see her!

Alan.. thanks for pointing out that the short transfer can raise the odds! Do you really think 4 pairs of pants (including one on my body) are SEVERAL pairs too many?!? 3 made the cut and I sure am happy about that :)

I will not have to go to check in, just straight thru security and to the gate. I opted for the electronic boarding pass option.

Thank you all for every bit of advice!