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3124 posts

Thanks for this important heads-up! A family member made this mistake years ago. He and his wife were flying to join their teenage daughter after her semester abroad. He was not allowed to board; had to go to US consulate and get his passport renewed, then flew a couple of days later. Meanwhile his wife had to explain as daughter of course asked "Where's dad?" Never lived that down.

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267 posts

I wish I had seen this, as i sent in mail renewal in February, traveling to Canada in July. I was so proud of remembering five months ahead ot ime! Of course they cashed my check immediately. Also, I attempted multiple times to do "online renewal" but it is - get this - still in "trial phase" and would not complete all the links. I eventually gave up and renewed by mail. I also recommend that you send certified so you at least have proof of mailing. On the website is an emergency number to call if you have travel coming up and haven't received your new one. You can also sign up for email updates on your renewal, but so far "crickets" for me.
How hard is this? Sheesh!
P.S. If you are enrolled in Global Traveler program, don't forget to update your passport number on that website after you receive the new one.