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Changing dollers to euros

I am leaving next week for Italy and don't know what to do about cash. I called my AMEX to see about a pin # so I could get cash there but they want crazy fees to do this. I have been told not to take travelers checks. Do I take dollers and have them converted there? Our driver that is picking us up at the airport wants Euros cash!! Don't know how to make that happen!! Help please.

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9110 posts

Most travelers get cash in Europe with their ATM cards linked to their checking account. Do you have an ATM/debit card? If not, and you will bringing lots of cash with you, you can get Euros by heading over to one of the currency exchange desks at the airport, they will be past the baggage hall/customs checkpoint. Be sure to carry your extra cash in a money belt type device under you clothes. You can purchase them in any store that sells luggage. The stores at the airport sell them as well. They look like this:

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2876 posts

Carolyn - as Michael says, by far the best way to get cash in Europe is by using an ATM/debit card linked to your home checking account. If you don't have an account like this, you should try to set one up before your trip - if you have the time. You will find ATM machines at every major airport in Europe and in just about every city/town of any size. Also, it's imperative to let your card issuer know that you're going to be using the card in Italy. Otherwise, your card might get "blocked" when you try to use it overseas. Just call the customer service number on the back of your card to do this. Finally, if you're flying into Rome or Milan, many - but not all - taxis are equipped with credit card readers, and you can pay with your Visa/Mastercard. Just ask the driver before you get in.

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7737 posts

Whatever bank account you end up using for your ATM/debit card, call them in advance not only to alert them to the fact that you'll be in Italy, but also to see what the highest amount of dollars/euros are that you can take out at one time and in one day. This is especially important if you're being charged any transaction fee. Always take out the most you can at a time. If you had more time, you could set up an account with Capital One or a lot of credit unions for an account that doesn't charge any fees at all. But those can take a few weeks to set up. The worst exchange rate you will get will be to take cash dollars with you and exchange those for euros once there. Do go ahead and get several hundred euros at your bank now before you leave. Call ahead because most branches don't keep those on hand. Good luck.

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4418 posts

Oy - I'm feeling your stress... You really need to use an ATM card to withdraw cash; it must have a 4-digit PIN, and know the PIN in NUMERALS, not in letters. For peace of mind, take some Euro with you; start working the phone and call banks in your area - many have Euro available for purchase; otherwise, it's mailed (overnighted) to you. Try to get some small bills - €5-20 bills. AMEX is NOT widely accepted in Europe; you'd think otherwise as it's known as a 'business card', but trust me, it's not. Europe is MC/Visa country... Worst case, there's always Travelex currency windows at the airport - OUCH!!!

Posted by
132 posts

All the advice everyone is giving you is very good advice. I'm kind of old fashioned in the money aspect of traveling in that I purchase the bulk of my Euros from Wells and bring it with me in my trusty Rick Steves Moneybelt (I bring a credit card for backup). I don't claim this method to be the best but it works for me and could be an option for you for at least part of your cash needs. The transaction is treated as a simple purchase by my credit card company (so no extra fees) and they FedEx the money to me.

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12 posts

Can you not get Travelex cash passports in the USA. You buy Euro's etc and put it on the card before you leave home and use internet banking to top up when overseas. You get them from banks, travel agents etc. they are linked to Visa. They would be your best bet if no time to get a debit card from your bank.. They work just the same but are in Euros not US dollars. Much safer than cash, they are pin protected.

Posted by
735 posts

It 's best to change dollars to Euro here. We did in Rome airport in 2005 and they charge a high fee. Also, get an ATM card. Here in California, we have 'First Republic Bank' that once you have an account with a certain minimun , then you can use ATM all over the world and not be charge a fee. We used it on our last 2 trips to Europe.

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791 posts

I would say go with Eileen's advice and try to get some Euro there before you leave. Exchanging here, and at the airport to boot, is gonna be expensive.

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396 posts

I get my euros before I leave at Bank of America. It only takes about two days for them to arrive and I don't have to wait in long lines at the exchange window when I arrive in country.

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14 posts

We normally get some euro's in advance in the US. Often you need a bit of cash right off the plane for a driver or something. We get them either from our bank or from an AMEX travel office. This year, for first time, I tried the Travelex Cash Passport. I loaded it with a few hundred Euro. I really liked it. I let me use the card like a European credit card, by entering a pin instead of signing. The downside is that the PIN numbers are preassigned to each card and cannot be changed, so I had to find a way to memorize them. You can access the PIN number over a website if you register them before you leave. Otherwise, we used the ATM in Paris & Venice with no problems.

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4418 posts

Sally, perhaps you used a Travelex/Thomas Cook money exchange machine instead of an actual ATM at the Rome ariport; I know they're there (according to trusted reports), and next to the 'regular''re going to get dinged pretty badly with THOSE. Unless you have a bad arrangement with your bank, a European ATM should be the cheapest way to get Euro... **Travelex Cash Passports (aka by some as USA 'chip-n-PIN' cards): watch those fees!!! Read carefully ALL of the fine print. You've been warned...

Posted by
13 posts

Thank you everyone!! We are picking up our euros today from our bank, they got them for us thanks to all of you! We are packing today and tomorrow and then we are off on our DREAM TRIP!! We can't wait to see Italy!! Thank you all again and this wonderful site for all of the great advice that I have recieved.