Hooray!! I have been checking the vivaticket site daily for release of September tickets to see the Last Supper. Yesterday I noticed that they would be released this morning 03:30 my time, 09:30 Milan time. I dutifully set my alarm for 03:15. (My dog knows something is up). I was so worried because I have read that tickets sell out immediately and that the website is hard to use. I had the phone number ready to call, just in case. It was a little confusing choosing the type of ticket because the descriptions are in Italian. I finally chose Ingressi Ingresso (Intero): my google camera translate changes this to fat, rush entrance. I picked it because it was the right price of 12 EUR. I added the English tour for 3,50 EUR. I had created a registration earlier with all of my personal information. I put in my CapitalOne Visa card number and......denied. It gives you one hour to complete the purchase. I put in my Amazon Chase number next and.....SUCCESS!!
Fourteen weeks from today I will be standing in front of a Masterpiece.
This isn't a question, but I wanted to share my experience because I read that these tickets were very hard to purchase. Please share your experience either buying the tickets or your memories of visiting the site.
Happy Travels.