What is your impression of Catacombs of Priscilla?
One of the best sites for info on the catacombs is here, by the excellent Ron in Rome: http://www.roninrome.com/%20sites-and-attractions/the-catacombs-of-rome He looks at other ones as well. Happy travels.
This is the only catacombs site that we have visited. We went in the afternoon and were the only ones waiting for a tour. After waiting just a little while (maybe 20 minutes?) to see if anyone else would come, they sent just the two of us off with an English-speaking tour guide. After having read about hordes of people in the other catacombs, I felt this was a priceless experience. We are very glad to have visited this catacombs.
We visited there in 2006, and really enjoyed it. We, too, had a private tour because there were no other English-speaking people around. It was very personal and intimate. We got there via bus from our hotel, which was near Villa Borghese. Buon viaggio!
Thank you for your replies. We'll give it a try. How long was the tour?
Rick's book says the tour is 30 minutes. I'm not sure ours was even that long, with just two people.