Any ideas on how to travel from Rome to Sulmona, Abruzzo to Castel di Sangro, Abruzzo. I do not drive.
Sulmona is lovely. You can take s train from Roma Termini to Sulmona with no changes at 14:30, arrive at 16:55, about €10. Or from Roma Tiburtina at 13:19, transfer in Avezzano, arrive in Sulmona at 15:13.
Sulmona to Castel di Sangro, depart Sulmona 10:30, arrive Castel di Sangro at 11:30, €6.
Sulmona's train station is a fair walk from the city.
All info plus more trains and ticket purchase at
Is Sulmona to Castel di Sangro a train or bus? It appears to be a bus.
You are right, it's a bus, but it's a Trenitalia bus, so it will leave/arrive at the train station.