I know there have been some legal issues around the sale of Villa Aurora in recent years, but I'm holding on to a glimmer of hope that it may still be available for tours. Does anyone have any recent experience in the last year of arranging a tour?
Not likely. I keep up with the situation as I toured it twice while I lived there and knew Rita Boncompagni-Ludovisi slightly. We were event invited to a holiday event in 2014.
This article sums it up. She was forcibly removed in 2023. The State has not treated her well. https://www.casino-di-villa-boncompagni-ludovisi.com/
How lucky you were to visit the Villa twice!
Now that the glimmer of hope has been extinguished, I may try to see about Palazzo Odescalchi. We are eager to see some of the lesser accessible Caravaggio's around Rome.