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Car Rentals

We are travelling from Venice to Tuscany to spend a week and then on to the Rome cruiseport.We want to rent a car and drive,but the car rentals at the cruiseport will be closed before we arrive.We then thought of renting in Venice return car at Train station in Rome.Any advice on this as we read you should not return a vehicle to a key drop place.6 people help with rental!!!

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9110 posts

There's nothing wrong with using a drop box. I do it all the time and have never had a problem. Getting from Termini to the cruise port by public transportation isn't hard to do - - doing it with a mob might be sporting. What I don't know about is the time of day since you'll seem to be arriving late. For information, you can drive from Florence to Rome in three and a half hours with one quick break. Six people plus stuff in one car WILL be a problem. Probably you won't be able to pull it off even with what they 'call' a seven-pax van. Are some of these people short kids so you can put stuff on the floor? Try and see what you can do. My wild guess is that you're looking at one-fifty to two hundred bucks per day -- a bit steep.

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1018 posts

We generally rent frtom because they are a broker and usually cheaper than the big names. Often times the car you rent will be with a big name company, but it is cheaper with Autoeurope. I have never used the dropbox, si I cannot offer any suggestions here. Europecar is another good choice. Buon viaggio,

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842 posts

We have used a drop box several times. Go to the AutoEurope web site and play with their pick-up and drop off sites, and your dates, and the type of car that you want. Both they and Gemut are very helpfull when you call them on the phone. We picked up our Rome rental car at the huge multi- agency rental garage under the Borgesee Gallery. It had easy access from the freeway.This was on a Sunday/holiday. I have been told that the Termini rental location is also quite handy. Don't drive without bringing your personal GPS, and a Michelin map. This makes things so much easier.