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Car rental tips?

We're picking up in Venice and returning to Milan. We'd also like an automatic, since the manual transmission was really tough in the Dolomites last time. There are two of us (my husband is tall) with normal amount of luggage. Prices are definitely higher that a few years ago, so any tips/companies to use or not use/advice would be really appreciated!

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166 posts

We normally rent via Auto Europe. After I book I check the website every week as you can change it for a lower rate up until a few days before you pick up the car. We had a manual in the Dolomites last time so I feel you! Automatic is soooo much easier.

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1441 posts

I used, which is a travel agent. However, they provide English-speaking customer service. Very useful when bag things happen.

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15185 posts

They have 3 websites. Check prices in all

I only drive manual transmission cars (all my cars in the US are manual, in spite the difficulty of finding new models to purchase nowadays in America), therefore I don’t understand the difficulty of driving one, however even if I found it less convenient, if renting a manual saved me money (and in Europe it does), I would make the effort, especially with today’s rental prices. Also if you want an automatic car in Italy, it has to be a larger model, because they are simply not available for economy models.

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54 posts

One more thing - is a compact car super small? (compared to a US manufacturer) Is it like a corolla or civic?

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6075 posts

You can do a dummy reservation on any of the above sites and see the type of cars offered

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15185 posts

The most likely model you will get if you rent a compact in Italy is a Fiat 500L, a small station wagon (which however was discontinued in 2022, so maybe no longer available) or the very popular Fiat 500X, a small cross-over, or a Fiat Tipo Station Hatchback or Wagon , or Opel Crossland, or, if automatic, maybe a Skoda Kamiq.

In the Economy category, the most likely models are a Peugeot 208, or a Lancia Y, or an Opel Corsa.

Just be aware that there will be no automatic cars in the economy category, and few in the compact category.

A compact category will be large enough for two people with luggage, even a reasonably tall person, because they are spacious inside. For two people even an economy would be enough, if the persons aren't super tall (like over 6' 5'').

Since in the compact category the most likely car you will get is a Fiat 500X (which is pretty spacious), and Fiat is present in the US with that model, if you have a Fiat dealership nearby I suggest you take a look at their 500X models and see if it fits your size needs, in case your husband is as tall as a basketball player.