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Car rental pickup Orvieto - can I visit for day? - drop off suggestions?

Leaving Rome to stay in Chianti rental from Orvieto sounds easy (from other posts). After 5 days with a car we will then head to there an easy place to drop off car? I assume there is no luggage storage in Orvieto...I would like to visit there when we pick up car. Any suggestions for making that happen besides leaving luggage in car? Thanks.

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16894 posts

I expect that the car rental office would also look after your luggage, if you didn't want to put it into the car and then walk away; be aware of their opening hours. There's not much consensus on an ideal place to drop a car around Florence, although it's been much discussed on this forum. If you drop it at Florence airport, then the airport bus into the city only takes half an hour.

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360 posts

We did the opposite route and picked up our car in Florence , stayed in Tuscany and then drove to Rome with a stop in Orvieto along the way. There is plenty of parking available in Orvieto, if you need to pick up the car and then put your bags in the trunk while you sight-see. I would also check out the pricing -- for us, it was cheaper to pick up/drop off in the cities than in the smaller towns. But we used the offices that were nearest to where we were staying, for the airports and train stations were also more expensive. That required us to drive for a bit in both cities just to get in/out, but it was worth it for the savings (or I should say my husband said it was since he did the driving!).

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5 posts

Thank you Laura and Becky....I will look into the "open" hours for car rental in Orvieto (it's not obvious yet when I logged onto AutoEurope...just tells me not available on the date /times I've plugged in.....a red flag:) I think we will get brave and return car in Florence.

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10345 posts

We got our car in Orvieto. After taking care of the paperwork we put our luggage in the trunk and left the car in front of the rental agency. After spending the day in town we went back to the car and headed to our agriturismo. Five days later we dropped the car off at the Florence airport. We took the express bus from the airport into town.