Please tell us your recommendations for car rental agency and why.
Deanne, a lot depends on where you are going. Since we travel a lot by train, we want car rental places in or very near the train stations where we can pick up and drop off. We like They are a consolidator that works with the different rental car agencies. They have a toll-free 888 number and they will assist you in English. We've had good experiences with them.
I also use AutoEurope and recommend them.
We have been using They are also consolidators. We have used them in Turkey, Greece, and Portugal and we were happy with their service. We used them for our upcoming trip in Sicily and are hoping for the same good results.
We are traveling thru Italy starting in Bologna and making our way down to Rome. We have found a good rate thru Hertz, surprisingly, and plan on returning the van to fumicino airport. Has anyone returned a vehicle there? How complicated is it? How far is the return area to terminal 3??
The car rental return is across the terminal. Car return at FCO is as easy as any major hub in the US.
If you rent in Bologna and on the way down you are considering stopping in Florence, you should find a hotel with parking preferably outside the ZTL (Zona Traffico Limitato). The historical center of Florence is off limits to motor vehicles.