5 of us are doing a week in Burgundy and a week in Tuscany in the last 1/2 of September. It's far more expensive than we expected. We have looked at renting 1 car but very exp to drop off in 2nd country. Italy's rentals seem much more expensive than France's, if we rent one car in France & another in Italy. train Renault has a but back lease option but also quite exp.
I'm going to check out the Autoeurope.com company, but any other suggestions for more reasonable car rentals?
Thank you!
For five and luggage you will need a larger car and therefore more expensive. Yes, it can be very expensive to drop a car in another country especially Italy. One approach is to drive to the border, drop the car, cross the border and rent another car. Or use the car in France and drop at a central location and take the train to central location in Italy (maybe Florence) and rent another car there. Italian car may appear to be more expensive but the Italian rental includes all of the insurance. Not familiar with French rentals.
PS -- What do you consider "reasonable?"
Thanks. I'll have to have a look to see if there are 2 places to drop off & pick up cars near the border. $1000 for 2 weeks seems reasonable if taking car between countries, but the one-way charge alone (above the rental cost) is over $1600, according to Autoeurope.ca .
IF you don't have plane tickets yet, consider dropping off the car and flying out of Nice after Tuscany. Nice airport is only a bit more than 4 hours from Florence.
You don’t specify the dates, but I think you plan to spend one week in Burgundy and one week in Tuscany. I usually spend no more than $200 a week for a car rental in Tuscany. Granted it’s only two of us, so you need a larger car, but even then I have never paid more than $450/week even for a large vehicle in the peak of summer.
If the drop off fees amount to too much, You can probably take a train from Lyon to Turin and rent another car there.
Thank you Mike & Roberto. Yes, we already have our plane tix.
Roberto, that's what I'm looking for - a price point. Thanks. Suggestions for companies to book a car through?
I just rented a car, manual Midsize wagon, for a week in Tuscany, and a week in Sicily for about $220 each from Europcar. No issues.
I used my Citi card for the insurance.
Just a note on the insurance question. I believe that the Italian rental rates include some, but not all insurance. You need to check VERY carefully as to what is included and what isn’t. For example, I was once contemplating taking one of the “ comprehensive, no deductible insurance” packages offered by a rental company and discovered that windows and tires were specifically excluded. As to using your cc, again check carefully. Our Amex card excludes Italy; our Chase card includes it.
The suggestions about using a train or flying from France to Italy are good ones. Not only will you save money, but also, time. On a trip, the latter is a very precious commodity.
Thank you, everyone! Great advice.
Thank you, everyone! Great advice.