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Car or Train from Venice to Pienza in Tuscany

We will traveling from Venice to an agiturizmo in Pienza area. I was planing to rent a car for travling in Tuscany. Thus my first thought was to rent it in Venice. Then I relized it takes 4+ hours to drive between Venice and Pienza. Would it be better to go by train and rent a car in Chuici or another train station near Pienza? What is best place to rent a car to go to Pienza?



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831 posts

If you want to avoid a long drive Chiusi is probably your best bet. Second choice would be Siena.

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3313 posts

It really isn't a difficult drive from Venice - Autostrada all the way to Chiusi before needing to drive on secondary roads. Assuming you'd be picking up the car on the same day either way, it's a cost difference between the fuel between Venice and Chiusi and train tickets. Driving on the Autostrade is easy and picking up a rental car in Venice is easy because you don't have to navigate any urban traffic to leave town.

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1 posts

Take the train to Arezzo and rent your car there.
The car rental is across the street from the
train station - very easy access. The drive to
Pienza from Arezzo via the Autostrada takes about an hour.