Hello, I will have one day off the cruise ship and have never been to Italy. I can't decide which one would be most worth while.
Any of them are fine choices for a day trip. Capri is beautiful, but as sightseeing goes maybe kinda lightweight? Mostly gorgeous views and high end boutique shopping in Capri Town. Anacapri is better, but basically you’ll be going there to have a nice lunch. Pompeii is pretty amazing as you can imagine, but you’ll be there around midday with peak crowds and heat. Herculaneum is smaller than Pompeii, but just as interesting. I don’t put one over the other honestly.
Hi and welcome to the forum -
The decision might come down to the sorts of activities you most enjoy on holiday and/or your personal interests. For instance, a devoted hiker might enjoy trekking about Capri more than exploring ancient history in Herculaneum or Pompeii (although there are some ruins on Capri as well; just not nearly as extensive).
I've been fortunate enough to have been able to do both; a 2-night stay on the island plus visited Pompeii twice in my lifetime. Personally? Both Pompeii or Herculaneum are the sorts of attractions that have no equivalents at home... assuming, of course, that you're not from a country with oodles of preserved structures that are a couple thousand or more years old. So, given I have endless opportunities to hike in some pretty fabulous landscapes in the U.S. - and we do - my choice would be exploring the remains of either of these ancient Roman towns; something that isn't possible in my own country.
Month and year of cruise? I see this is your first post here. Have you been on a cruise before? I ask, because you did not give us the hours that your ship is in port. And you did not bother to name the port, which is relevant to the answer. It is quite risky to take an over one-hour ferry ride to Capri if your ship is 8AM-6PM in Naples, for example. Please come back and tell us whether you intend to do your excursion independently, or if you will take the ship's day-outing.
Hello, and thank you for your responses. This is my first cruise and I am trying to choose from the cruise ships excursions. The trip is this August.
If the cruise ship is providing the transportation to Capri, whatever form it is, they they will not leave port until the tour has returned. Sorry if I alarmed you. You didn't give the date, which affects crowding and weather. Is the ship in Naples or Sorrento? (Sorrento happens to be closer to Capri.)
Please read my linked-above old discussion comparing Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Both Pompeii and Capri involve at great deal of walking, and, May-October, serious heat and sun. That may or many not be important to you. I mean MILES directly exposed to the sun. Capri is green and hilly, Pompeii is almost without shade. I think your choice is mainly between interest in ancient life/art history, and a very unusual and attractive resort-y island. (Note that the ancient villa on Capri requires a 3 (?) mile round trip walk. Taxis cannot go there, nor busses.)
This newsboard often points out that the Blue Grotto on Capri is a notorious time-sucker, and can be cancelled because of wave action. Is it promised on the ship's tour?
If you are accustomed to very hot summers, I would choose Pompeii - especially if your tour includes the Villa of the Mysteries. My personal preference is Pompeii over Herculaneum because of the public buildings, and the VOTM.
I've never been to Capri, but it sounds great.
If you need a tie-breaker, I would pick the excursion with the smallest group size.
I agree, if you can handle the heat take a cruise excursion to Pompei. The sheer scale of the site is amazing, and while walking through it we could almost see all the Roman people who lived there. Good luck!
I've looked at a lot of shore excursions that cruise companies offer in Naples and most of them appear to have trips to Capri and Pompeii. I do not remember seeing any trips to Herculaneum but my family and I went there on a private trip a few years back. Of the three, I enjoyed Pompeii the most but as others have stated, there is nary a tree in sight so it can be hot! Capri was really crowded the one time we went there, so I enjoyed the boat ride to Capri and back more than the time we spent in Capri itself. But I am sure any of the three sites will make for a good choice. Enjoy.