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Capri or Ischia with kids

We'll be staying in Sorrento for 6 nights in August (Me, wife, 6 and 9 yo.) and want to do a day trip to either Capri or Ischia. The hot springs and castle on Ischia sound interesting, and the scenery and accessibility of Capri also have appeal. Since Sorrento doesn't seem to have much in the way of beaches, would either island offer a better chance over the other to take a dip in the Mediterranean? Which would you suggest?

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755 posts

I have been to both islands although in the off season, but if I was taking kids I would go to Capri, just because it seemed like it was more compact with more to do although I would think a day or two would be plenty.

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1829 posts

Ischia has the better and more accessible beaches. On Capri bathing is off rocks or bathing platforms. However, be aware that you will be there at the height of the season and will be competing for beach space with holidaying Italians and northern Europeans. Here is a list of beaches in and around Sorrento. The beach at Meta di Sorrento is the easiest beach, with sand and of a reasonable size, to reach from Sorrento. Take the Linea A EAV bus which runs every 20 minutes . The bathing platforms at the base of the cliffs in Sorrento allow easy access to the sea. The same warning about busyness as above.