Does anyone know how long the ferry ride is from SorrentoDoes to Capri? And can you take your car on the ferry?
Not sure why you would want to take car there and I also think most areas are restricted to local resident's cars. The bus on the island will take you where you want to go. Can't tell you how long it takes, only took boat from Positano to Capri.
Guiditta, The ferry ride is about 20 minutes. Don't even think to take a car there - you won't need one. As Rick Steves said - very well indeed ! - "Capri is a world class tourist trap" and we certainly can confirm this. Except for the Axel Munthe Villa there is really nothing worthwhile there to see - yes there are beautiful gardens - but no different than in Sorrento (and surroundings) and we could not get to see the Blue Grotto because the waves were too high ... Capri is lving off its past repudation as a 'free' place for artists to hang out as well as for 'famous' people to be undisturbed in beautiful surroundings away from "prying" eyes. I understand that - because of Capri's (undeserved) fame - that you want to see it, but just take the ferry and the various buses and walk (!) ... however, if you skip Capri, you haven't missed anything. Obviously i can't comment on the Blue Grotto.
Sissy (Vancouver, Canada)
20 minute ride on a hydrofoil. If you get seasick usually then then plan on a seasickness med.
It was very rough the day I went so on return the pharmacist on Capri gave me ginger tablets and behold it actually worked. I was sure pleased.
It's residents only on the car ferry to Capri from March to October.