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Cancel summer trip?

Obviously there is a lot of talk on here for people traveling in next few weeks/months...but what about summer? With massive closures and lockdowns across Northern Italy, things might be dicey even into summer. I'll be traveling with young kids age 5/7 and seems that we may need to wait another year...
While none of us cannot predict what is going to happen, what are you doing about summer plans?

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32 posts

Honestly, I think it is too early to tell. I was supposed to leave this week and I did end up cancelling.

I think the next 6 weeks will really give some clarity, so if you have flexibility I would wait. I know some people plan months and sometimes a year or more out, but I would like to think as we emerge from this (whenever that may be) it will take some time for travel to ramp up to somewhat normal levels. I really hope to go once, if not twice this year still, but only time will tell.

Unless you would be out a ton of money for cancellations, I would try to hang on and see what happens.

I know airlines like Delta, for example, have really scaled back on number of flights to Italy through May 1st. If things due not get better there will be more cancellations and an extension in some of the cancellation policies that are out there.

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7054 posts

what are you doing about summer plans?

Going to the pool every chance I get. I don't travel in the summers, too hot and crowded (under normal conditions). Otherwise, consider traveling domestically without the need to get on a plane.

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67 posts

I have all the airbnb's reserved but--thankfully--I was procrastinating on reserving air travel due to cost. The airbnb is easy to cancel

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55 posts

We are also in the same boat. Planning to visit Rome and the Amalfi Coast with my husband and two kids (ages 9 and 12) in mid to late June. So far, I've only booked our hotels for Rome and Positano, but they are refundable without any fees. I haven't booked any airfares yet and if we do end up going, I probably won't book our flights until a month before, like in May. So we are just waiting. My husband doesn't think we should go anywhere this summer, but I'm still hopeful and praying for the best. Italy will definitely need the tourism dollars after losing hundreds of millions already. Right now, things are going in the wrong direction but I expect it will get worse before it gets better. I'm considering heading to Paris and London only but who knows where the virus hot spots will be by then. Tough to make any plans right now. This was supposed to be our kids' first trip to Europe. Granted it's a first world problem but like most people on this travel forum, we live to travel right?

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175 posts

We have flights booked for Rome in early June. Not canceling anything yet, figure can wait until early May to decide. We will stand to lose a considerable amount of money with the airfares, as well as some ArBnB costs as well. Praying that things get better by then, but, so far nothing but bad news.....

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687 posts

I’m thinking of heading to the Virgin Islands in April since I had to cancel my trip to Italy. Unfortunately, they’re worried there because of all the cruise ships that come in to port so I’m worried about what family and work may say about that trip as well. I do not want to stay home for months if I can help it. To my knowledge, there’s still no idea when/if the virus might be under control.

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4105 posts

@ acraven, incredibly moving story from the doctor in Bergamo which everyone considering a trip to Italy SHOULD read.

Here are the statistics for each region from yesterday. Haven't been updated yet for today.

Stats for today launching italy into second place behind China.

New column for per million who have the virus.

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5697 posts

The benefits of procrastination -- we didn't make any reservations for our proposed month in Germany in the fall. But we DO have nonrefundable reservations for family camp in June (same place for 35+ years) -- hordes of small children who forget to wash their hands.

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11 posts

I have my honeymoon planned for Mid-August (flying into Milan, then traveling to Cinque Terre --> Florence --> Rome)

I'm just playing the waiting game now but I hope it clears up by May/June.

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375 posts

I’m supposed to got for 22 nights on May 15, I have a “non refundable” flight but my lodging is refundable so long as I cancel with 7 days notice.

I’m not booking anything else at the moment (trains, attractions etc) bc It would be very unlikely to get refunded if I don’t go.

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2188 posts

Staying home.

We had not pre-booked travel for this year (we wanted to wait until our puppy turned two years old). In January I began seriously researching some trips. Because I could not find flights for: 1) no more than a 2-leg flight journey and 2) somewhat reasonable cost for business class ............. we just did not move forward with booking anything (thankfully now). Interestingly many tours that really interested me were fully booked for times I wanted (now they are wide open).

Will tend my gardens, enjoy long walks with the dog, and enjoy outdoor exhibits at the local botanical garden.....outside things in the fresh air. Our new screened porch will get some use, too.

Even staying at home, the hardest part for us, so far, is avoiding large social gatherings...oh how we love a good covered-dish supper in the South, and food-related gatherings are so central in our circles.....THAT is taking a lot of discipline. My spouse has chosen to not go to several meetings of professional groups and the annual Day on the Hill with the legislature (which he loves participating in).....again it is taking a lot of discipline. A few cases have been confirmed in our county and in an adjoining county. Vanderbilt University has completely shut down in-person classes and campus gatherings (except oddly athletic) thru March. Hospitals in the county south of us have announced that NO family or friends can visit anyone in their hospitals. But, THAT is what can help to reduce the spread, taking cautionary steps beforehand.

What is really surprising me is that I read so many posts where people seem to think a "big green button" will be pushed in Italy (or elsewhere) that will quickly and suddenly announce this is all over in maybe two months. But, even if things subside in Italy, things could be cranking up in our country (or other countries). The global intermingling is what caused the virus to spread.......from country to country and within countries. Life will return to normal the same way it became abnormal.........gradually. No big green button.

This, too, will pass.....eventually.

Happy summer to you and your family.

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420 posts

We also have kids and we had plans to go in the summer. I’m in the process of canceling. 3 of my airbnbs refunded me 100% of my payment. I also have cancel for any reason travel insurance. I’m not sure about immediately canceling my plane and train tickets. There’s always the chance that they’ll wave the cancellation fees. Although that seems unlikely since they’re mostly offering the option to change (not cancel). And they’re offering little to people who purchased tickets a long time ago.

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36 posts

Off course nobody knows the future evolution. We hope that we can overtake that situation before the summer. If it is not in the first part of Summer You could wait some time before to cancel your trip. Now in Wuhan the situation is starting to improve.