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Can you help please?

My wife and I have decided to celebrate our 35th year anniversary in Italy. We are arriving on October 20th to Florence and plan to leave on November 1st from Rome. We appreciate if you could help to put an iteranary together for us. Much obliged...

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2788 posts

Do you have the latest copy of Rick Steves' guide book for Italy? It has lots of information you should be looking for. If you already have it, you have a good start.

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7737 posts

Also helpful would be how much walking you're prepared to do.

Posted by
9 posts

Thank you and we have bought Rick's book. I just started reading it. We arrive to Florence at 11:20am on october 20th. We depart from Rome at 6:45am on Nov. 2nd. We are very much interested in history and sight seeing. Not much interested in walking. We like to include Tuscany somehow in our trip. Train is a very good mode of transportation although we do not mind to fly within Italy if we have to. Thank you for your advice.

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10344 posts

You have 13 nights. Given your interest in history, Rome and Florence will be very exciting for you. Rome of course is one of the great cities of the world and has so much history that you could easily spend half of your time there. Given what you've said so far, I see three destinations in your 13 nights: Florence, Tuscany, and Rome. One of your first decisions will be how many of your 13 nights to allocate to Rome. Of course Rome has the most history, with Florence being mainly some of the best art museums in the world, art and architectural sites and history. And in Tuscany is a different kind of experience: some history but lots of ambience and hill towns. Rome is easy to reach by train from Florence. Somewhat of a challenge will be seeing Tuscany without renting a car. There is some public transportation by train and bus into the Tuscany hill towns, but this requires more planning and patience for those who wish to see Tuscany but without a rental car. why don't you reply further with what you're thinking is so far, and then we can refine this.

Posted by
9 posts

Thank you so much Ken for your advice. My wife really wants to see Venice. I've put the following itirenary together and appreciate your thoughts on that.

Arrive in Florence - October 20 to Oct 23 -(3 nights)

Venice - October 23-Oct 25 (2 nights)

Varenna - October 25-Oct 26 (1 nights)

Sorrento - (Fly from Milan to Rome), Oct 26-Oct 29(3 nights)

Rome - October 29- November 1st (4 nights)
Fly back home - Nov 2nd.

Thank you and much obliged.


Posted by
1127 posts

I'd skip Varenna since it is only for one night. You will spend too much getting there to make it worth the effort.