I'm trying to find the train timetables for getting from Bari to Matera (on a Tuesday) and then back from Matera (on a Saturday).
If I look at the web page https://ferrovieappulolucane.it/en/lines/lines/ it shows a map with a line of the route for Bari<->Matera, however if I look at the timetables and fares section: https://ferrovieappulolucane.it/en/lines/timetables-and-fares/
In the Unified Railway Timetables section, on the first page Bari<->Matera doesn't appear in the diagram (why not?) and on page 2 of the pdf it talks about getting a bus transfer to Matera from Altamura.
Where can I get information about the direct train times between Bari<->Matera that get mentioned on many web sites? (web sites/forums all state you can get a direct train from Bari to Matera, but I'm having a hard time finding exact details about that train and the time).
Thank you