Where is a better location to stay at an apartment-Campo de fiori or Piazza Navona. Is one noiser at night than the other? Want to be in the area of shops, restaurants, maybe entertainment. Thank you
The two areas are next to each other. Piazza Navona generally has people until late night, but unless you are right on the piazza it won't bother you.
I wouldn't stay ON either square; I would stay (and have stayed) in the VICINITY. The area around these squares is very compact; the side roads will be much quieter and less busy.
on Campo di fiori, they said it was a 2 minute walk to the square-hopefully that means it's not on the square?
A prior post said to stay in the vicinity, I agree. I have stayed at Hotel Smeraldo twice. It is inbetween the two. Quiet at night. Both of these are Wonderful places to wander. Campo has food and flower markets in the mornings. Navona had a lot of painters that set up each day. Great places to have a glass of wine and just sit and watch the world go by.
The Campo stays pretty lively into the wee hours on Friday and Saturday nights. Trust me, stayed way past midnight this past weekend and others when in Rome. It's a younger crowd than Navona but still a friendly mix but it is also louder. If the description of the apartment says it's a 2 minute walk, I would bet it's not on the Campo. I'd ask just in case. A block off and you shouldn't have any issues. Very safe and a great area. Navona was busy too but seems to quiet down after around 10-11pm. Enjoy your stay!