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Campanile bell tower in Venice

Is there a cost to take the elevator to the top of the Campanile bell tower in Venice? Are reservations/tickets available or is it first come, first serve? If the latter, approximately how long is the wait around 4PM in October?


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705 posts

This is one thing I didn't do but yes there is a cost - not sure how much. From what I observed you queue and buy your ticket and then go up - there didn't seem to be any reservation system but I could be wrong. I'm sure someone else will know.

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261 posts

I think it's about 6E to go up. It's an elevator all the way to the top. I didn't notice lines. We were there early in the morning. Try to go before the hour, you get great views of the Moors ringing in the hour on the big "digital" clock.

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187 posts

The cost is nominal; can't remember it exactly. No reservations available. The wait is less the later in the day you go and it is open till 6:00 or 7:00.
Midday has the longest lines.

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70 posts

We just got back and for us, the wait was about 10 minutes at about 2pm. I believe it was 6e.

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1540 posts

The view from the top is wonderful and worth the cost. I think I shot at least 50 pictures from up at the top.