In planning our trip to Florence in September, I've noticed in Rick's books that photography is prohibited in many places.........the Academia, the Brancacci Chapel, the Uffizi, etc..........When I leave my hotel with my camera packed in my small backpack, what happens with my camera and/or backpack when I check in to the above-mentioned sights? At the Bargello Museum, photos are only allowed in the I allowed to carry the camera to the courtyard?
I have encountered everything from you can carry the camera but don't use it to having to check it. I don't know the specific policy of each location but they will make it clear when you enter.
I agree with Frank... don't recall off hand the particular policies of each place, but some places will allow you to carry your camera around while having an employee in each room making sure you don't use it. Other places will make you check your camera/bag/whatever and they'll keep it at the front or in a locker or something. So if it's a place where you can use it in the courtyard, I am guessing that's a place where you can carry it around. Enjoy your travels!
for what, if anything, it is worth here is my anecdotal evidence: Bargello: pics everywhere ok but no flash Accademia (Florence and Venice) camera in pack ok, but no pics anywhere inside. Uffizi camera in pack ok but no pictures anywhere Borghese camera must be checked at the front desk
carol, At the Galleria Borghese especially, you'll have to check the Backpack so the Camera won't be a concern. I had a small P&S Camera in my pocket on my last visit there, and nobody even asked about it. However, there were CCTV Cameras and Guards in each room, so I most definitely didn't try to take any photos! If you carry a small Camera in a pocket, you shouldn't have any problems. However, don't try and use it if signs indicate this is prohibited. Happy travels!
I carried $3000/- camera+lens and checked out(in backpack) at various places when required, in Florence/Roam while visiting museum/galleries last 2 weeks -no problem. IMHO it is more unsafe to leave in Hotel than checking out.
In Florence, I had my camera around my neck and tucked into a shirt pocket (I go with a small camera). We didn't go everywhere but most places that didn't allow photos just told me no pictures, I wasn't required to check it. "Camera in backpack" concerns me. A nice camera that the wrong people see go in your backpack may well disappear. If you can't keep it around your neck, at least keep it in front of you and keep your load to one bag that's easy to keep track of. I've gone with my "one handle" rule (everything packed in something that can be carried with one hand) since I lost a camera on a bus in Munich during Oktoberfest. I had just arrived and wasn't paying enough attention to my stuff. To make my small camera easier to keep track of, I also replace the wrist strap, that comes with the camera, with a neck strap from a thumb drive.
Except the Borghese (Rome), I was able to keep my SLR-like digital camera with me everywhere in Italy. It was either the Academia or the Uffizi that had little shopping bags so that visitors could carry their valuables with them when checking their larger bags and backpacks. I carry a canvas tote and use that to put stuff in when I check my backpack.
Thank you all for your great advice...........I will be very wachfull of where and how I carry my 'stuff.'
It is the Borghese Gallery that gives you a plastic bag to carry. The Uffizi and the Accademia museums will let you carry your bag in but photos are prohibited.
I would never check your camera in Italian museums, I hate to say it. My boss, who has traveled to Italy literally dozens of times and know her way around, fell victim to this. The Borghese is the only museum I know that requires you to check it. I kept it in my pocket; yes I know I was violating the rules but it's better than it getting stolen by the bag check attendant. Other museums in Italy are incredibly lax about you taking as many pictures as you want with or without flash.
You'll be fine at the Bargello and in the Uffizi. I carried around my expensive SLR with no problems, and in the Uffizi they are fine with you taking pictures of the outside from the windows (the view towards the Ponte Vecchio is great!). Just don't try to take a photo of any of the artworks -- you'll get a telling off :-/
Chris, "I would never check your camera in Italian museums" I had no problems at all checking my expensive DSLR at the Borghese Gallery. The attendant handled it very carefully, and it was waiting when I went to retrieve it. I did remove the Memory Card before checking it, just as a precaution. At the time, I also had a small P&S in my pocket but nothing was said about that. It would have been virtually impossible to "sneak" a picture, as there were Guards and CCTV Cameras in every room. Cheers!
I checked my D90 and 18x200 at the Borghese and crammed my wallet, blackberry, ipod and car/house key into every available pants pocket. I've done this 3 times. I never had a concern. My only tribute to paranoia was that I popped the card out of my camera and put it in my wallet until I was reunited with the camera. Bargello: I do not know what the current rules are. I took photos all over the joint, not just the courtyard. The statuary upstairs makes some great close-up face portraits. The docents had no problem with that, but my anecdotal account might be non-typical.
I check my expensive DSLR all the time and have never had an issue. If it weren't safe and they had theft issues they would never have anyone agree to check them as those stories tend to get out, especially on sites like this and TA. Just check the camera where it's required. Also, you don't have to check your wallet. Places like the Borghese and other galleries don't want bags or backpacks going inside that can bump into the art work. There is no site that I know of that demands you empty your pockets and leave your wallet with them. Keep your wallet in your pocket, check your large camera and enjoy the galleries. Donna