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Camera and -or Camcorder?

Hi Folks,
Going to Europe for the first time and wondering if a camera or camcorder is better or both?
Thanks for your input!

Posted by
91 posts

i bring both. i'm really, really into photography and my trips are mostly based around taking photographs. i recently purchased a little point and shoot digital camcorder that is really small. it shoots 60 minutes of video, runs on AA batteries and fits in my pocket. i love it!! however, i would not bring my bulkier camcorder with me as it would be to much of a hassle and probably a pretty fun item for someone to steal.

i guess it all depends on what you want to carry around with you.

Posted by
1898 posts

I'm for just a camera. If you want to spend most of your vacation looking at the wonderful sights through a view finder then take the camcorder.

I found that when I took my camcorder, I didn't remember most of the trip...I spent too much time messing with the darn thing! personallly, I perfer to snap a photo and then enjoy all the photos on a slide show at home on the computer or on the TV.

And as mentioned, if you have large enough memory can take short videos of something extra ordinary...perhaps a flag throwing, or the sound of people in a piazza.

This is simply my opinion. If this is your first trip....take both. see which one you use the most and then you will know for the next trip! None of us can tell you what is right for you...only what has worked for us! you are on your own path along your personal journey!