Following the great advice on this site, I contacted Verizon and got the loaner phone - then called to get my number set up on the international plan ($4.99 just as stated for the month.) I am now IN Italy, and can text, receive texts, even receive phone messages - maybe calls, havent tried that. My problem is - I cant figure our how to type a + symbol. The phone is an older model flip phone without a keyboard, and the bottom left key is asterisk and plus-sign and Shift-Key. How do I get the plus-sign to type??
Try pressing and holding the asterisk key until the + appears. I have a Verizon global phone and I take it to Italy every year. Buon viaggio,
You can also dial "00" instead of the + sign. So to call 202-555-1234 in the US, you'd dial 001202551234 Keep trying (redial) if the call doesn't go through. I find that calling internationally can sometimes be a bit hit and miss. Mathew