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Calling Card Options

Hi all,
I know this has been discussed to death on this website, but I found these options for calling cards and was wondering if anyone has had experience with any of them: World Calls, World Access, Connect Home and Global Connect. We are renting an apartment for our month-long visit and the owner provides a cell phone, free for local calls, and he suggests we get a calling card to use for international calls. The prices here are very reasonable and it seems like a much cheaper alternative to the international SIM card option:
In fact, it seems so cheap, I'm afraid there's some hidden fees... which is why I'm asking. Also, any ideas on where they can be bought in Italy?

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712 posts

From my understanding of this whole thing, if I take my cell phone over there as it and buy an international calling card, regardless of who I call, I'm still "roaming" because my SIM card is USA based. So not only am I paying for the calling card, I'm also paying the per minute rate that my carrier charges me for roaming internationally. If I call the USA, it's free for the recipients because although I'm hundreds of miles away, I'm still a 412 area code calling another 412 area code. And it's free for them if they call me. If I call an Italian number, they would get charged because even though I'm down the street, I'm a 412 area code calling an Italian number. I get charged an arm and a leg in any case.

If I get a world phone and insert an international SIM card, I would need a calling card to actually use the phone (unless I get a service plan). Then the calling card would be used to pay for local calls and international calls based on the rate of the card, I guess like how TracFone works here. It's useless unless you activate it and put minutes on it with a card. Calling home would probably cost my family something though as I would be calling using an Italian number. And they would of course be charged for calling me.

My big thing is making it easier for the fam to reach me. I am going to sign up for ATT World Traveler where I can receive texts messages for free. That way, the family can text me (free for all), and if need be, I can use the cell phone provided by the apartmet owner and my international calling card to call them. They would be charged though.

...Does that sound right?

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23562 posts

Not familiar with those products. I assume it is something that you are buying early over the internet. We have always just relied on the prepaid phone cards purchased at the Tobacco shops everywhere in Italy. Seen cheap enough to us and always worked well especially for calls back to the US. Do avoid the free cards being handed out on the street. Again, no experience with those cards either but have been told that those cards have some serious hidden charges. Good luck.

Posted by
712 posts

Thanks, and yes you are correct - there is no information about buying them in person. Everything was strictly over the internet which is what made me wary. If you don't mind me asking, do you remember the per minute rate of the phone cards you bought at the little stores and also in what increments they were sold in?

Posted by
712 posts

Awesome. Thanks so much!! (I was definately making this much more complicated than necessary!!)

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23562 posts

You buy it in preset amounts. We bought 5 and 10E cards. Could be larger cards - don't know. No advantage to higher amount cards so we just bought the 5E card. And the rate was around a nickle a min or so. But that is probably subject to change over time.

Posted by
31 posts

So, when you purchase these calling cards are you using your regular phone from home or did you purchase one of the World phones that they speak about getting from ebay. If you get a world phone will you need a SIMS card as well as a phone card? I am not sure how this works. How much does a SIMS card cost? Thanks for any help.


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31 posts

Thanks Monique. I understand what you are saying and the Rick Steves article on the phone situation was good as well. I have been working on the phone issue all week. Everyone seems to have a different opinion. We leave in two weeks and I am getting last minute details worked out. Your comments definitely helped me to just put the phone issue to rest.


Posted by
712 posts

Glad it helped, and I hope I was accurate on all points.

Yes you will get differing opinions and much depends on your situation. We, for instance, will have a cell phone provided to us for local calls, so I decided (after researching) that the international calling card only is the much better choice for us. And also signing up for that plan from ATT.

We leave in 3 weeks - and my mind is swarming with all the last minute to-dos! Buon viaggio!

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31 posts

I think we are going to use our AT&T plan. I will cut off the data to my iphone and go from there. My children will mostly text message me. I will call a few times and pay the cost. Not sure if our phones will work phone to phone in Italy. We may buy a card for my husbands phone to use in Italy. There are eight of us traveling together. We are getting together to night to discuss all of this. Two of our group are leaving Monday. We still have a couple of weeks or so. I am just about planned out...hahahah. It has been fun. We will be going to the Dolomites, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Siena, Sorrento and Rome. We are certainly looking forward to it. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

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31 posts do I get the scratch off cards in Italy? Where? Thanks so much for your help.


Posted by
712 posts

I think (and Ian please correct me if Im wrong) that the "scratch off" card that he is referring to is simply the calling card. Some have scratch off backs that reveal your pin #. From what Ive read, you can get them anywhere like newstands, tabacchi shops, etc. When I posted this I was looking for those specific brands, but in general I think you can get a card pretty much anywhere