Some time ago, on the A3 near Pizzo, there was a tragic attempted highway robbery. The US Consulate in Naples web site carried a travel advisory regarding the A3 for several years thereafter. But that advisory appears to have been withdrawn. Have you driven that road south of Salerno in the past year or so? Recently, have you heard anything about any unusual risk, or lack thereof, of crime along the A3? Thanks
Yup, drove it twice earlier this year. No problems.
Thanks, good to know that those days are over.
We were just on the A3 twice in August without incident. We also drove this route in 2009 and the only hiccup was a few huge traffic jams. My family is in Nicastro, Calabria, so we go there every other year. Buon viaggio,
It was one particularly incident involving the hijack of a car transporting valuable artwork. This kind of spectacular crimes happens from time to time in the Interstate down your subdivision somewhere in US. A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria has 424km. It is going a 15-year long widening/straightening program. This causes, in some sections, jams as the road is limited to one lane per direction. As for July/2011, last time I drove there, this is the status: - From Salerno to Lagonegro to Cosenza, the highway is mostly modernized, save for a few interchanges where traffic will be diverted to one carriageway only. - From Cosenza to Rosarno, there are some roadworks that can cause occasional jams at busier times. - From Rosarno to Villa San Giovanni, there are three long sectors with road restricted to one carriageway only. But those are also the most scenic parts of the highway, where you'll pass over 4 of the 50 highest bridges in the World. It's an amazing ride - just avoid doing it at the busiest times like Sunday afternoon.