Does this train station have a luggage check? We are going to Milan to view The Last Supper. If we can't check our bags at the station, can we check them there.
I can't tell you about Cadorna, never been there. Wanted to, just never made it. I know Central has one but that won't help. I also do know that it is a very short walk from there to the Last Supper, perhaps they would allow you to leave them somewhere? I seem to remember a couple of rooms off to the side, the ticket lady can be helpful. I'm sure you have reservations as it is nearly impossible to get in without prior reservations. EDIT: to clarify - I mean that Cadorna is close to the church, not that Central is close, its not that close.
I do have reservations to The Last Supper, so I have that covered. If anyone can say for certain if they will check bags at the church before the tour, I would appreciate the info.
Carrie: we just returned from our day out and happened to walk by Cardona Malpensa Express also so I asked there first and they said NO, you must take your bags to Milano Centrale to be checked (a BIG inconvenience IMO). When we got to S M d Grazie I asked at the ticket/check-in office and they said no problem. "You can bring the bags right in to the LS room". I thought hmmmmm I wonder if this works for all of the information people at the church. But, 5 minutes before our scheduled time a family of 4 came running into the check-in office dragging their luggage. They were nearly in tears b/c they had rushed from the airport and barely made their ticketed time. "No problem, said the agent" What to do with the bags? "No problem, just take them into the LS room and put them to the right of the entrance when you walk in". And in we all went. Oh, also, a man with a little dog came in for the next appointment time after ours and it seems like they were going to let him + little carried dog in too! No problem.
When are you traveling to Milan and need this service? We are going to see the Last Supper later this afternoon and I will inquire at S M d Grazi for you if I can. We will not be at the Cadorna (note spelling) train stop as we will use a bus for transportation. As Nigel asked also, do you have reservations to view the Last Supper?
Thank you so very much! You really went out of your way to check the train station and that was so very, very thoughtful! I'm glad to know that I don't have to go out of my way just to check the bag for an hour or so. Have a great trip!
Mona - Thanks for checking in person! We had a similar exchange here a month or two ago with one poster insistent that there is baggage storage at Cadorna "upstairs".
Doug, you're welcome. "Upstairs" is where we were at street level at the Customer Care office. We walked from the Castello to the SMdGrazie church and our path took us right in front of the station so we walked in, didn't notice any signage for baggage storage so we asked at the Customer Care. BTW it is only a 2 block walk, well marked by brown signs from Cadorna to the church.