I have a brand new c-pap machine. I just bought a 7 ft - 13 amp/125 volt extension cord. I have a adaptor. I plan on taking this to Italy and plugging my machine into cord.
Has anyone ever done this?
Yes. We have traveled with a c-pap in several countries, including Italy. You should be fine. Distilled water for the machine can be difficult to find. Our respitatory advisor told us that you can use just bottled water and it won't hurt it.
In Italy, distilled water can be found at most Farmacia.
Eileen, to respond further...we had an amusing time in a farmacia, either in Germany or Italy asking for "distilled water". The clerk thought we meant "still" water (not carbonated or frizzanti) and guided us to the bottled drinking water. We actually found distilled water in a little hardware shop that sold steam irons. Another time we found distilled water on display outside a petrol station; intended for batteries! Good hunting!
I believe the translation is "acqua distillata"