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Buying Uffizi Gallery Tickets online from the Official Website

We are visiting Florence in April 2019.

I see several options when you click the drop down. I see a full ticket for 24 euro. Does this include the Uffizi, Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens?
I see the 3-day cumulative whole for 38 euro. Is this the one that includes the Uffizi, Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens?

There is also a "reduced" option for 6 euro. What is "reduced"?

A "free" option for 4 euro. What is "free"?

And an option fo free Cumulative 3 days for 4 euro?

I am confused. Has someone actually bought tickets from this, the official site recently? Again, things change so I am looking for answers from a recent visitor who bought from the original site. Thanks in advance.

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114 posts

We purchased our tickets from the official site for April 2019 last week. We are two adults and two teenagers under 18. I purchased the 24 Euro ticket for each adult, and paid the “free” 4 Euro booking fee for the under 18 teenagers. The reduced 6 Euro might be for college students or some other group, I can’t remember.

It is a very confusing website. I had the hardest time with the confirmation email because I can’t get my phone to automatically translate from Italian. I had to log on to my computer to read them. I hope you have better luck than me.

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11 posts

Thanks Travelisfun. Do you think the 24 euro fee is just for Uffizi or does it include the Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens too? We want to see all three attractions but all on the same day and don't need a 3 day pass for them but maybe that is the only way you get all of them. The site is really confusing and I tried to call and there was no option to talk to me in person.

Have a really nice trip!

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480 posts

I just bought a ticket from the official site last week. I only purchased for the Uffizi and it was €24. From what I understand, the 3 day does include the Uffizi, Pitti and the Boboli gardens but you are choosing the time for the Uffizi when you book it. Hopefully, someone will correct me if this is wrong. I was lucky, because my confirmation email was in English.

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16882 posts

If you're not using it, this is the website for the museums:

Click "tickets" on the upper right of the page and the next page comes up; it explains the ticketing options:

So as you can see from that page, a single adult ticket for the Uffizi is 20€ +4€ reservation fee = 24€
Reduced tickets only apply to European Union citizens aged 18 -26.
Children under 18 are "free" with 4€ reservation fee, as TravelisFun said above,

A single adult ticket for 3 consecutive days for Uffizi, Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens is 38€+4€ reservation fee.

Click "buy online" and you'll be taken to the b-ticket website for making your purchase. If it doesn't come up in English, there is a tab for that at the bottom of the page.

If you want the 3-day combo pass, just choose the Uffizi as it'll be offered as an option along with tickets for just the museum itself. Choose your day and desired entry time for the Uffizi (mandatory) and number of "Intero/Full" tickets if you are adults wanting to visit JUST that museum, or" Intero Cumulativo 3 giorni" if you want the 3-day option that includes the Pitti and Boboli.

From what I understand, the 3 day does include the Uffizi, Pitti and
the Boboli gardens but you are choosing the time for the Uffizi when
you book it. Hopefully, someone will correct me if this is wrong.

Yes, you are only choosing an entry day/time for the Uffizi. The other two can be visited any time during the life of the 3-day ticket.

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16 posts

Thank you so much Kathy for the detailed Info. Do you know how is "3 days" calculated? IF we buy the ticket and start the first visit on Sunday, do we "lose" Monday as 1 of 3 days, and the ticket would expire at end of Tuesday? Or is "Monday" skipped/excluded and we still could use it on Wednesday?

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16882 posts

Shirley, so sorry but I don't have an absolute answer for you and can't find one anywhere. My gut tells me that no, the ticket is not extended to a 4th day if Monday is one of your 3 consecutive days. I'm going off how passes tend to work. So, if you don't have at least 2 of the 3 consecutive days in which to make use of it, I wouldn't purchase it; just buy individual tickets for the Boboli and/or Pitti for a day which works for you. I would plan to do both the the palace and gardens on the same day as they're in the same location.

For a solid answer, you could email them:

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16 posts

Thank you very much Kathy for such detailed info. Very insightful !

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16882 posts

db2brant, read what I wrote above again. is the website for the museums. That's where you go for information about hours, ticket prices, ticket options, exhibits, etc.

If you click "buy online" on that website to purchase your tickets, it takes you to the b-ticket website. You CAN go directly to the b-ticket site and skip the museum website altogether but as you were confused about what the different tickets/prices were, the museum website, with its detailed explanations on this page - - was the best place for you to start. You can get to the b-ticket site right from there.

Short story long, the b-ticket site is the official TICKETING vendor for these museums. Use the MUSEUM website to understand which tickets you wish to buy and what they cost.