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Buying leather jackets in Florence

There are so many leather shops in Florence- we don’t know which store is good vs tourist traps.
There are no price tags on any of the merchandises.. and the price they quote seem based on what you are willing to pay…

Anybody have experiences in buying leather goods in Florence?? Thanks

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8865 posts

Gene, use the Search function above (yes, it's hard to see) and put in "Leather Jacket Florence" and you'll see a bunch of prior threads on the subject, with recommendations.

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169 posts

I bought an absolutely beautiful, stylish leather jacket from Benhearts in Florence this past April. They have several locations in Florence. The prices are on the products, and they are helpful but not pushy. I actually met the owner, and he provided fashion opinion on my selection. The products are quality items so not cheap. Check out online for product and background information.

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927 posts

Several of us from the V/F/R tour bought jackets at Massimos, he gave us a discount when we mentioned we were with a Rick Steve’s tour.

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303 posts

One of the best places to buy leather goods (including Jackets) is the Scuola del Cuoio ( ). They practice traditional Florentine leather making. It is right behind the Basilica de Santa Croce.

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253 posts

Thank you all for who have replied..
Yesterday, I was at Lucca, and found this small boutique leather shop..
Good news was that, the employee didn't speak any english (so obviously, it was catering to locals) - there were on sale, and price was clearly marked... I bought two jackets with some negotiation.. - had to goto ATM as cash price was more economical...

What I learned... all these Florence shops that speak perfect English obviously caters to tourists, and there appears to be substantial tourist "tax" associated with them..
For some reason, Lucca is not over run with tourists, so it seem shops are more locally catered..

For people who bought Jackets in Italy, how did you deal with getting refunds for VAT tax at the airport??
thank you all...

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4765 posts

Beware that most tourist goods these days come from China, so make sure your "Italian" jackets really are.

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8865 posts

There's a significant population of English - speaking students in Florence, and we saw a bunch of them in Massimo's. They told us that's where they are recommended to go.

Re: VAT. We didnt even try. We were wearing the jackets at the airport (so as not to lose them in checked bags) and that voids the VAT eligibility.