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Buying EURO now ?

We will be going to EU next summer, and would like to buy some EUROS now. How and where is the best place and way to do this?

Posted by
683 posts

First of all we assume that you are not including England which doesnt use the Euro and whose currency is double not 1 1/2x US Dollar.

As we have never gotten Euros here we cannot advise you but this topic has been dealt with at least 100 times before so we'd suggest you do a search on this website by typing "buying Euros in US" in the search box in upper right corner

Posted by
769 posts

your serach will show up with two distinct camps for this question: 1. Buy a fe 100 here at home and so you have some when you get there then use ATMs there as needed. 2. Dont buy any here - get them at the ATM in the Airport or the bank.

I pref #1 since I like to have 200-300 euro when I land to use for taxi or whatever first day - one less to worry about. Others say there is plenty of time and ATMs at the airport. Take your pick!

Posted by
26 posts

No need for euro ahead of time as far as I'm concerned. My first action (after picking up bags and clearing customs and passport control) is GET OUT OF THE AIRPORT AND TO THE HOTEL. Credit cards are accepted for shuttle train tickets, metro and many taxi services. Then once I've settled into the hotel, I'll use a nearby ATM (for which I use a debit card).

Posted by
9109 posts

Not in Amsterdam. If you arrive at Schipol, you can not use American credit cards to purchase train tickets, or mass transit passes; they only accept cards with smart chips. So if the ATM machines are out of service you better have some cash on you if you want to get to Centraal Station Amsterdam. You don't necessarily need Euros, but all travelers should carry about $200 cash in case of emergencies like this.

Posted by
16321 posts

i think the point here is that David is worried about the exchange rate between US dollar and euro continuing to deteriorate so he'd like to take advantage of current rates as a very possible economy.

Posted by
166 posts

Hi David,

Everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to purchasing euro's ahead of time. I myself purchase some euro's prior to my trip to Europe. When is the best time, that's the magic question. I don't see the euro exchange rate getting any better so if it were me I'd buy now. You can check with your local banks to see who has the best deal. The rate is the same but commission will vary.


Posted by
15 posts

Hi David,
Any commercial bank usually does money exchanges,I just bought some Euros yesterday from my bank online and they delivered them to my home.I am a Bank of America customer.Al